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What Do You Think of this GA Pitch?

She can't pick one... until they pick her.

It's important to know how you are paid... but there really isn't much of a comparison to do. It's just factual information that you need to know.

One of the other considerations she is making is the driving distance to one of these offices. That increases the expense side... and that needs to be offset by another benefit - such as a more compatible agency culture, better training, etc.

Yes, she needs to get started, but she can't decide anything faster than they decide to bring her on board... or not.
Being passive and hyper-analytical is not going to get her a call from a GA or manager...
Being passive? Agreed. Won't get you anywhere.

Being 'hyper-analytical'? It depends on the questions being asked.

I always asked more questions of firms than they ever asked me. In essence, they should want me because I asked the right questions. I did their interview for them... and then it was up to them to decide if they wanted me.

If I had a very analytical or detailed question, I would often start off by saying "I'm pretty sure this will be covered in training or orientation, but..."
I know this is a older thread but, I wanted to say thanks to everyone for their input. Ive been bouncing around and am being courted by two agencies, MassMutual and Guardian-(through a GA running an office for White Rhino Financial).
I am still on the fence but leaning towards Guardian and this thread helped in knowing what to ask and look out for.
The biggest difference I see is that WRF feels younger and fresh, open to new tech and ideas, where as MM feels much more conservative and buttoned down.
If anyone has any incite into WRF I'd appreciate an feedback, they are based out of Houston and I am talking with the team in Ft.Worth.
Thanks again, this forum has been amazing for my learning curve.
I just spent several minutes reading this thread. what the heck finally happened superwoman?

Gosh, I feel like a dud for not having returned here to post an update. I hate when other posters leave ckiffhangers and now I've done it!:mad:

If you read my posts by accessing my profile to see all posts, you will see more specifics but here is the summary:

I joined NYL after the Guardian managing partner insulted me, I'd asked to speak to an agent on his team to see what it was like there (another of his agents is a good pal of mine and he suggested I do that). The MP got pissed that I made that request of his recruiter, not him. Well, the recruiter was my main contact, so why wouldn't I? He said "why should I allow you to speak to an agent here when you aren't even licensed yet?". So....I moved on to NYL.

It was love-frustration-love at NYL., Love that I had a good mentor and a GREAT assistant. Frustration at the way that particular MP ran his area (5 GO's) and out date, old fashioned training that was not "real life" based methods.

From what I am hearing from others these days, if I had to go captive again, I'd got to Mass. Although E/O minimum there is $5mill and $140 per month.

Bottom line - READ YOUR CONTRACT before you sign it. At NYL it was about 15 pages and they did not "allow" me to read. Well, I could have pushed it like an adult, but I didn't. Which is pretty representative of how all things there are: do it OUR way.....unless you want to protect yourself.

I'm glad this thread helped other people make their decision!