Where to place Declines?


100+ Post Club
Who is a good company to look at for placing declines and difficult cases... I already know about the SC risk pool and/or possibly getting the individual into a group plan.

Is there a company out there in your experience that may have more lenient underwriting than say Assurant, BC/BS and etc. Is there a guaranteed issue company like there are for life insurance?

Had a gal with Rheumatoid Arthritis and the first 3 companies I did risk assessments with told me she is a decline.

Would a company like UA be a valid option and would UA accept her? ... Any serious and reasonable suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!

Al D.
If you can place a person with RA you are in my mind the best health agent on the planet!

Tell her to get a job... any job... that offers group health... and tell her to keep it until she is age 65.

Of course if any potential employer can discern that she has RA, there is no way they will hire her and have their group rates raised through the ionosphere.

That's the wonderful system we have here in this country.... and it's why I support some kind of minimum GI issue. It is not this woman's fault she got RA. It's not a 'lifestyle' condition like obesity or smoking or drug abuse. You just 'get it' and if you do, there is no one who will insure you, TTBOMK.

I heard UA is very lenient and although they do not offer the best coverage... something is probably better than nothing. Do you know anything you can share about the underwriting at UA?
Who is a good company to look at for placing declines and difficult cases... I already know about the SC risk pool and/or possibly getting the individual into a group plan.

Is there a company out there in your experience that may have more lenient underwriting than say Assurant, BC/BS and etc. Is there a guaranteed issue company like there are for life insurance?

Had a gal with Rheumatoid Arthritis and the first 3 companies I did risk assessments with told me she is a decline.

Would a company like UA be a valid option and would UA accept her? ... Any serious and reasonable suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!

Al D.

It's been several years since I have seen a UA app. Although their policy isn't major med coverage, you are right, it would afford her some kind of protection.

I would not offer, as a suggestion to her, that she go out and get a job. RA is a very painful disabling disease. If she could, she would probably be working now and have group insurance. Even if she could find a job of any kind it is probably very doubtful that she would be able to keep it for very long. Suggesting that to her just might make her mad.

A better suggestion would be that she look into SS disability. If her RA has progressed to the point that she can't work this would be her best option. The only down side to it is if she can't get SS to back date the approval for disability she will have a two year waiting period before she can get Medicare. You need to suggest to her that she hire an attorney who specializes in SS Disability.

I know a lot of people who have gotten the effective date of their disability back dated for two years, received a check for two years of disability and went on Medicare immediately.
Good idea Frank. You dfinetly need an attorney too. My mom has MS and she had to fight for disability.

Getting a job probably wasn't an option for her either was it? It very seldom is for someone with a disabling illness. Most people want to work if they can. Telling them to get a job just makes them even more angry than they already are because they can't work.

Was the attorney able to get SS to back date her disability? I'm told that a good attorney can usually be successful in getting them to do that.
I know a lot of people who have gotten the effective date of their disability back dated for two years, received a check for two years of disability and went on Medicare immediately.

When my wife applied she was turned down. We met a friend who recommended a SS lawyer. He applied and we were again turned down. He was pissed and said we would take it to court. The judge wrote a 15 page opinion (I was surprised it was so long) blasting the SSA and ordering them to put my wife on the program and giving her back payments. A few months later a US Treasury check came in the mail for about $45,000. Lawyer got $5,000 (by US law). The rest we had to pay taxes on (which pisses everyone off.) We didn't want the money as much as we wanted the Medicare coverage. This was seven or eight years ago. I wish I had gotten the lawyer first instead of wasting almost 4 years in the process.

Some folks are best left alone. I probably spend more time than I should helping difficult cases and end up with nothing to show for it.

Refer them to the state risk pool & move on.

Unless you need a hobby . . .