Somarco - I left a voice mail for you. I think DBI does business in GA but check with Mark. They offer a private world product as well as street World products. They have some other interesting products and carriers too. Call Mark and ask about it (info below).
Having some real issues with AHU. I dont see that they add anything to the mix other than delaying apps in house for up to a week. They have hindered more than helped.
I don't care for the Freedom Care series. Almost never write that product. Most of what I have written with World the last 18 months or so are the Advantage Series, high deductible, 100%, no copays.
AHU is supposed to be the largest IMO for World. Had nothing but problems with them. Cost me a $6k (AP) case this week. That's too many $$$ to grant forgiveness. Just one of many SNAFU's.
I use a GA out of Tempe AZ named Rex Snyder. He works in many states not just AZ. So far I have been very happy with him. Responsive staff and 1 day turn around on apps. I'll post his number when I get in the office on Monday.