Would You Still Recommend Going Independent if

I have NO Experience.

SO.. I am trying to decide if I should run with Farmers(not too stoked on) or try and go Independent straight out the gates?

I just passed my Life& Health and P/C in California. Have zero experience in Insurance but I have been a Loan Officer for 7 years. I have a marketing background and feel pretty confident I can create my own leads with Direct marketing, Dialers, PPC, landing pages etc. Plus cross selling to my Mortgage and Real Estate clients. I have capital to invest in myself and Im in no hurry.

I know the plus with going corporate(if there is one) is I should get the training I need BUT I don't own my book, which is hard to wrap my head around.

Independent seems like my cup of tea but I worried about getting the right training?

need some wisdom from you vets?

I agree with the above poster. I would never go Indie right out of the gate in a P&C business. There is way too much to learn and too many things that can go wrong that can sink your ship.
You can go Indie in a Life and Health shop. The bar for entry is much lower and the training required to be at minimum competent is lower.
If you are thinking of writing P&C, I would absolutely go with Farmers. If you are going to go L&H, you can go Indie but realize your climb will be a bit tougher than if you were to hook up with an experienced agent or office.
I started in a captive situation 23 years ago but have been Indie for the last 15. For me, that was the best way to go. I got the training I needed, I had decent mentoring and then when I realized I had learned all I really needed to know in setting up my own shop, I went out on my own. I am glad I took that route.
Thank you guys! Links and opinions appreciated!

Looks like I'll need to update the business plan. I think I just need to find a captive that understands my day to day with focusing on both Real Estate and Insurance. I cant be tied down by quotas because of the time constraints I will have.

Production will come.. it just will be in waves. Plus, I like my flexible schedule and I cant be micro-managed. Hmmm the search begins! :)


It is possible when you find the right group t help you. It is hard. There is a significant learning curve. It is hard. but it is very possible with a dedicated trainer in your corner to help you through your learning curve.