A unicorn? client seeking term life from carrier who would accept weekly payments


1000 Post Club
We are not talking debit route. The client will be standard issue, wants 1mil face value 25 year level term, age 32 and was accepted with a fine carrier, but they won't accept weekly payments. This client sets up his bank service weekly bill pay.
I am being patient for now.
If worth the hassle.

Maybe set it up as a Semi Annual then after issue set up the weekly. I did something similar years ago with a UL, which is different of course, but worth asking the company.

This isn't Burger King. :)
We are not talking debit route. The client will be standard issue, wants 1mil face value 25 year level term, age 32 and was accepted with a fine carrier, but they won't accept weekly payments. This client sets up his bank service weekly bill pay.
I am being patient for now.

Curious, What happened with this case?
Curious, What happened with this case?
Nothing yet. He is paying weekly on the individual health plan, so far, so good. I am busy with health and Medicare clients. Quite a lot of time was involved in getting the insurance in place, then the big reveal of not being willing to have the insurance unless it could be paid weekly. Also, a bit of height/weight thing, so not preferred rate, standard.