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AEP help

Or, and hear me out, some of us like to play golf twice per week (during the week, not weekends), travel and spend time with family between January and September.

Would I like to make $50k per month, sure. Do I have the ability to make that income, absolutely. Am I willing to put in the effort it takes to make that income, not at this stage in my life. Half of that is just fine by me. If you want to do what it takes to get there, by all means, do it. I'm sure we'll hear about it when you do.

The last 3 months I’m in the field around 3 days a week. I’ll avg 8-10 sales a week . The other 2 days I’m fixing problems and taking calls . I never work a weekend day outside aep . During aep by mid sept it’s 7 days a week for 3 straight months . Next yr will cut back ti 2 days a week in field . Not bad to make an income of a top tier dr .
That is a GREAT idea!
PAP's can also generate referrals.

Unless I missed it, you are not doing a regular newsletter. I have monthly newsletter sent via email and it almost never fails to generate a referral. I also have my helper send copies of the most recent newsletter to new prospects. It helps to build a relationship when they are shopping and gives them insight into what an experienced agent brings to the table.

PAPs for me are a huge source of referrals from clients and providers' offices.
I am slacking on the newsletter. I do try to do one quarterly but I haven't been as good about it. I am hoping to get some help to do PT chores like this. My T-65 and early retiree business is cutting into the time that I was using to do this. That is no excuse though.

Thanks to all of the guidance I grew from $38K my first year to $70K my second year and this year I am already almost at 80K so I am projecting hitting my 6 figure goal this year :) which is a lot sooner than the 5 years I thought it would take.

I love what I do and getting word-of-mouth referrals is easy if you treat your clients right. They want to know you know what you're doing and that you will be there for them when something comes up. I am quick to respond to my clients and I try and make Medicare as easy to understand as possible.
Thanks for sharing . . .

I think it depends on where you live. I know our farmer's markets are 90% Middle to upper-class. Our senior centers are more of a 50/50 mix. I have never done Walgreens (they actually don't set up tables up here). I do overall upkeep on our Facebook page but no social media marketing.

I am going into my 3rd year for AEP so relatively new compared to the seasoned agents on here. They have a lot of great knowledge and are a wealth of information. Granted I was a SHIP for 3 years prior to becoming licensed so I had a decent client base coming into it.

Things I have found to be helpful:
*Medicare Cafe on Youtube has awesome weekly live sessions
*I do like the doctors and book next year's appointments while they are in my office for the current AEP (this was a suggestion on one of my posts my first year). Now I review all of the appointments starting 10/1 so I can pre-chat with them if it doesn't look like they will need to change because my schedule is getting a bit crazy so I am making room for new clients.
* For the above I actually order the Medicare Calendars and in the month of September I attach a scope of appointment form and a med list sheet with a reminder to get it back to me by 10/1 https://productordering.cms.hhs.gov/pow/
*I have built a relationship with some of the larger employers in the area so I get 90% of the retirees from those companies doing their IEP
* I do marketplace typically for the 50+ market so I have a steady flow of clients making the switch once they age in (this also helps to capture the early retirees)
*I offer Patient Assistance so I assist with finding grants to help pay clients' insurance premiums and medication (I primarily use NeedyMeds and the HealthWell Foundation). I get no direct compensation for this but it allows me to put people into supplements for at least a year and I am guaranteed commissions since the grants are a year at a time.
*Because of offering the Patient Assistance piece I have a fantastic relationship with the local providers who send all of their patients who express concerns over insurance.
*I am active in community events like walks for different diseases, and charity events like the Festival of Trees, I do fundraisers for the organizations that help my clients like HealthWell. Aside from that, we do no mailers, no advertising, or other types of marketing at all
*Keep constant contact: check-ins after AEP, Birthday cards, holiday cards, reminder letters with scopes before AEP (I also include a permission to contact form that they can share with a friend).

Not everything works for everybody but test out things and see what works for you.
Do you make the newsletter yourself? Or how do you do this? Great idea. Also what is a PAP? THank you

I curate it from various sources. I have a 1099 lady that has helped me on a PRN basis for about 3 years. She "manages" it for me. Takes my word file and sets inside an Aweber template and sends it out. She also manages my mailing list, adding new folks on demand.

PAP = patient assistance program
Or, and hear me out, some of us like to play golf twice per week (during the week, not weekends), travel and spend time with family between January and September.

Would I like to make $50k per month, sure. Do I have the ability to make that income, absolutely. Am I willing to put in the effort it takes to make that income, not at this stage in my life. Half of that is just fine by me. If you want to do what it takes to get there, by all means, do it. I'm sure we'll hear about it when you do.

I'm fine being Medicore right along with you. Ha Medicore in Medicare is still a fine living.