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Age 65, Dirt Poor & Not Eligible for Medicaid

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Why would two anonymous women (allegedly) who claim to be social workers, come on an insurance site to ask non-insurance related questions?

Even more curious, these are questions (if they are any good at their trade) where they should know the answer.
SSI, Medi-Cal, Medicare are ALL insurance products.

I'm life/health licensed.


Even more curious, these are questions (if they are any good at their trade) where they should know the answer. ~somarco

The OP didn't ask for the answer. She asked for chapter and verse of the LAW to rebut the claim she is facing that the citizen cannot continue on Medicaid. NONE OF YOU could provide her with that definitive information; only your opinion. More telling, NONE OF YOU would admit that you could not provide that information. You just insulted the OP. Some "professionals" you are.
Why is this thread still alive. The OP could have avoided such strife by the realization that as "professionals" much of our professional knowledge is derived in situation learning.

Unique and rare instances such as this citizen, a situation that probably poses NO sales opportunity, is not useful for those working in this person's geographical area, so why "know" it at all. The quality of answer was not to your liking, but the situational answer was, the answer giver has no motivation to nor reason to "prove it".

OP, sorry your experience here has been so rough, excuse the excessive nature of some post. Your answer will not be found here, period.

Understand the nature of forums before you get flustered. If one's expectation is out of alignment with the purview of the forum community then what do you expect?

Happy New Year and I truly hope you find your answer.
SSI, Medi-Cal, Medicare are ALL insurance products.

Really? SSI is an insurance product? Medi-Cal is not an insurance product, you might get a small fee for helping them to enroll - but that is not insurance. And Medicare is not an insurance product either that you can sell, you are selling additional policies supplements, or helping them to enroll in a Medicare advantage plan.
SSI, Medi-Cal, Medicare are ALL insurance products.

I'm life/health licensed.

You must not have missed class the day they discussed commercial insurance products. True insurance is a risk management product.

SSI, Medicare, etc are taxpayer funded govt wealth transfer programs. The only element of risk is wondering if the govt will default on their promises.
The bottom line is: the OP came here seeking definitive citeable ammunition to rebut what the SS/Medicare office has been telling her--which is, "the citizen you represent cannot continue to receive Medi-Cal; he must go on Medicare." The OP told this board that the citizen does NOT qualify for SSI or Medicare because (a) he has no income; and (b) he doesn't want to accept SS.

The so called professionals on this board had NOTHING but their opinions to offer her to help her rebut the SS office. The opinions of anonymous discussion board participants mean NOTHING to the SS office. Yet you persist in your opinions, offering NOTHING definitive to the OP.

I'm the only one who provided her with SOMETHING she could pursue so that she can help the citizen to NOT ACCEPT SS, but to continue receiving Medi-Cal.

End of story.
Citizens and social workers don't determine Medicare eligibility, that is up to Social Security.
Citizens and social workers don't determine Medicare eligibility, that is up to Social Security. ~a "professional"

Are these two people the same person? I was reading all the responses and thought it was the same person quoting themselves until I looked at the names??
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