• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

Agent to Agent Generosity


Hi all,

I've been lurking out on the forum off & on for the past couple of years, but am just now transitioning back into the industry after a 10 year run in IT sales.

My focus is the Senior Market, and the first weeks have been challenging to say the least! I have lots of enthusiasm, but I know enough to realize that I don't know it all, and that I need help getting things off the ground. Everything from effective focus to proper messaging needs polish.

Having said that, I would like to take this opportunity to state for the record what a real help both Rob Liano & Todd King have been in answering my questions, and providing valuable guidance when I have reached out to them. They have each spent a considerable amount of time w/me on the phone without expecting anything in return. They're just good dudes who are willing to take some time to help those like myself.

There appear to be many other helpful souls out on this forum as well, but I just wanted to take the time and mention the generosity of both Rob & Todd towards me - thank you both!
If the whole world only knew - they think we're all d-bags:twitchy: