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AIC Leads Company

At first glance at the company name I thought they specialized in diabetic leads.
I do recommend them to my agents. I get good feedback for the most part.

I rarely get calls from agents telling me that they weren't having a good experience with them. I will get that call every once in a while though.

It's funny how you can have some agents that like what they get and some agents who don't. Two agents could get the very same leads and one will say they're great and the other will say they are just okay, or even terrible. My point is, some of the comments you see about lead companies (good or bad), depends on the agents themselves.

To some agents, a lead is nothing more than a name and a number. That's all they expect too.

To some agents, if they are not waiting at the door with checkbook in hand, they'll swear it's all because of the "bad" leads.

Then, of course, you have all of the in betweens.

It's also worth noting that it can be regional as well. Some areas are much better for generating telemarketed leads than others which can also impact results.
I do recommend them to my agents. I get good feedback for the most part.

I rarely get calls from agents telling me that they weren't having a good experience with them. I will get that call every once in a while though.

It's funny how you can have some agents that like what they get and some agents who don't. Two agents could get the very same leads and one will say they're great and the other will say they are just okay, or even terrible. My point is, some of the comments you see about lead companies (good or bad), depends on the agents themselves.

To some agents, a lead is nothing more than a name and a number. That's all they expect too.

To some agents, if they are not waiting at the door with checkbook in hand, they'll swear it's all because of the "bad" leads.

Then, of course, you have all of the in betweens.

If all an agent wanted/needed was a name and a number they wouldn't need to buy leads, they could just open their local phone book and have plenty of leads.:)
Like the one poster said, when you listen to the recordings, you can hear most of these telemarketers pushing the string up hill just to get the voice to grunt something after the telemarketer keeps rambling on and on off some script. There is NO confirmation DO YOU WANT SO AND SO TO CALL YOU ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE???
The person is TOLD so and so is going to call you about life insurance and if the person grunts anything, they say that's a HOTL LEAD worth $20 to $25? Come on now, it's always the agents fault who can't sell, etc.. (always the platitude from the promoter)... when the person won't even answer the phone knowing they NEVER wanted to speak with anyone about life insurance. The TM rambles over these elderly people ( 79 , 80 yrs old - qualified prospect??)... who can barely hear and think moment to moment. Going to have to narrow the ages and demand that any kind of recording that does NOT clearly indicate the PERSON wanted a quote or conversation with a life insurance agent, to not be considered a lead (ahhh. but watch how the thieves refuse to refund your money...). Can't have all these posters be wrong and the promoter be right?
Well, I bought 20 of their leads 3 weeks ago, and I am still working them. Maybe they changed the script up because I listen to every recording and not only do they use my name 3 times in the script but ask twice if it would be ok for me to call them back.

I've sold 9 policies for about $6000 in AP(all FE and I should close two med supps on policy delivery to one couple). And I still have people I am trying to set an appt with. The key I'm noticing with TM leads is that you have to be persistent. Keep calling till you set the appt.

The nice thing about the recording is you can gauge their interest and can tell if they are going to blow you off on the phone. I listened to one recording and the lady didnt sound very interested, agreed to have me call even though she already has insurance. I'm 99% sure if I had called she would have blown me off. Instead I door knocked it, overcame a few objections (talking through the glass door) and replaced $33K in coverage and added $5K more.

Remember guys this job still requires a salesman for a reason. Some of y'all need to brush up on your technique IMO.
Well, I bought 20 of their leads 3 weeks ago, and I am still working them. Maybe they changed the script up because I listen to every recording and not only do they use my name 3 times in the script but ask twice if it would be ok for me to call them back.

I've sold 9 policies for about $6000 in AP(all FE and I should close two med supps on policy delivery to one couple). And I still have people I am trying to set an appt with. The key I'm noticing with TM leads is that you have to be persistent. Keep calling till you set the appt.

The nice thing about the recording is you can gauge their interest and can tell if they are going to blow you off on the phone. I listened to one recording and the lady didnt sound very interested, agreed to have me call even though she already has insurance. I'm 99% sure if I had called she would have blown me off. Instead I door knocked it, overcame a few objections (talking through the glass door) and replaced $33K in coverage and added $5K more.

Remember guys this job still requires a salesman for a reason. Some of y'all need to brush up on your technique IMO.

I ordered 20 and it was completed in two weeks. I'm working on four apps. right now.

I like your idea of just stopping by for the ones you can't reach by phone. A couple of the leads told me flat out that they are not interested but didn't want to say "no" to the telemarketer. I just want to say "you cost me 20 bucks you a..hole!"
Hoosier and AIAbroker, have you ordered anymore and how were they if you did?
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Hossier and AIAbroker, have you ordered anymore and how were they if you did?

I'm ordering my second batch starting tomorrow. We will see how it goes. I should be getting my DM leads soon and I was planning on supplementing 15 DM leads with 10 TM leads a week.

That's the plan anyway, we'll see how it goes.
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I just want to say "you cost me 20 bucks you a..hole!"

Oh I tell them, nicely,that next time to just say not interested and I even tell them they charge me $20 for these leads.

I think it will save me $$ in the future cause they'll do it again in 3-6 months.
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Air Broker, don't blame the poor wretch who answered probably the 20th robo-call that week for wasting your $20. The culprit is in the crooks running the call center - KNOWING they won't stop a breath in their run on speech TELLING the person that YOU will be calling them. That's not a lead, you can call up anyone in the phone book and say the same thing. YES, the recordings clearly show the person is NOT INTERESTED, yet the crooks TAKING YOUR MONEY knowingly pass that on since they are too lazy to keep dialing to find the ones who at least SHOW some interest. There's NO defending these lead companies unless you a shrill. NO agent expects the person to be lay downs, just quit creating a phoney script that doesn't allow most people a way out - because the phone marketer is TRAINED to keep running their mouth without pause to the older person answering the phone.