All the Hoopla about recording and hear little about it

I recorded a doozy. Long time client that has always rambled on like no one you have ever heard. But she was in extra rare form this year.
Happy as can be but just lonely. I was doing paperwork at my desk, so I just put the phone on speakerphone and let her go. She went for almost 90 minutes with not a single pause at the end of a sentence. And she was still going strong, but I finally had let her know that I couldn’t talk any longer. If they ever need to hear any recordings on anyone they are definitely going to get this one as a bonus.
Opps! Wrong one?
I’m 100% phone and recording everything. No big deal. A couple of bitchers but explaining that the new rules are to protect our most vulnerable seniors with dementia from getting scammed ends all bitching.
I don't have an issue recording the call but I do have an issue being responsible for storing it for 10 years. We should be able to email it to the carrier and let them store it.