American Senior Benefits?

Ding,ding,ding. Bells already going off.
If it were as they say it is you'd already have the answers in writing.
Answer is really that simple. ACTIONS always give the correct answer.

IM not talking about my fmo I know exactly what each level is at. I'm talking about going out on my own and getting a direct contract and having no help, and what levels of production would they make you maintain for each product line to keep your contract level... Did you even read my post Milwood? Though I know I can be a bit scattered sometimes getting out what is in my head lol.
21 is street for most med supp contracts, some offer 22.
MAPD varies depending on states
FE is 100-120 depending on company
Annuity should be 6-7 %
21 is street for most med supp contracts, some offer 22.
MAPD varies depending on states
FE is 100-120 depending on company
Annuity should be 6-7 %

I understand this! But what kind of production to keep up these levels year after year?
Its funny how so many agents are so worried about comp before they produce anything, most agents need to show proof of production to get a higher level, lets say 22, once you show that production nobody in the business is trying to take anything away from you after you have achieved that level, in most cases. Not a hard fast rule but a guideline
Production. It’s street level. You don’t have to show production. I get 22% on my Aetna, or 21% can’t remember and I’ve only written like 5.
FE I get 115% and I right maybe once a month. If that.

If you’re happy with giving up thousands of dollars in commissions to use a fax (which you never need) and to see clients once in a while, go ahead. ASB has you hooked line and sinker. I thankfully saw through the bs
I understand this! But what kind of production to keep up these levels year after year?

The reason you aren't getting a straight answer is because once you go Indy, there isn't any production requirements. (No clue if that's true on MAPD).

I think I write 5 Aetna a year. They still pay me 21-22, whatever it is. I write a ton of Cigna and Blue. I am also contracted with 1 or 2 others, that I never write but I am still appointed with them.

Your only production requirement is what you need to eat.