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App Suspended with Foresters

I'm not the one that went personal, you are.

And you are just wrong on my arguments with Joey on Trans. Then being replaceable has never been my argument about them. You can't pull up posts to verify your argument because they don't exist.

Nor have I said that I love KSKJ and hate on all other companies. You are not stating "facts", you are stating opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion but you are entitled to your own facts.

And I don't care that Joey loves Trans. You have that all backwards. I never mention Joey or respond to his love in of Trans until he mentions me. Some of these guys have an obsession with me. I don't care if you love Foresters. Write Foresters every damn day and enjoy it if that's what you want.

I used to get accused of loving RNA. It's always something that makes some turn it personal. Just this thread alone I only mentioned the companies. You made it about me.

Come on JD, you made about you. When anyone simply challenges your statements regarding certain companies somehow it's "personal" towards you? I asked why you're constantly giving others grief for writing a company you dislike and chastising them over how replaceable their carrier choice is. You shot back with... "I think Foresters sucks the big one. If that hurts your feelings then that's on you."... YOU went personal not I.

You accuse others of saying/doing exactly what YOU are saying or doing. It's called a strawman argument. :GEEK:

Where did I write I love Foresters anyway? My actual comment was "Foresters is just another carrier in my bag, I hold no allegiance with any of them". So again I'll defer to honest posters here who read this mess daily whether there's been repetitive criticism of other forum members carrier choice with charges of "And no surprises when it gets replaced". You comments are above on this page for all to make up their own minds so I'm done here.
Exactly me neither, but you constantly harp on "everyone else" being replaced every chance you get. Why? Because you dislike a particular carrier that's not your goto KSKJ? Nothing personal just wondering why. I personally think KSKJ is scared to expand, my opinion. Hell they're afraid of growth cutting off new agents from being appointed. Foresters is just another carrier in my bag, I hold no allegiance with any of them. I write what fits the situation I'm dealing with best across multiple companies. The beauty of being independent. :yes:

KSKJ is definitely not afraid of growth. They more than doubled their production over the last 12-months. They also doubled the size of their home office.

They are doing controled growth. They have an attractive product. And they are growing fast. So they can be very selective about who they let sell their product. If you have decent volume history and a good credit history and criminal background check, we can appoint you with KSKJ. But they won't open the floodgates to just let every FE agent have the product.

That's not fear. That's smart.

No different than what you do if you have downline agents. Do you take every agent that want a contract? Or do you screen for the best ones? Same thing.
Come on JD, you made about you. When anyone simply challenges your statements regarding certain companies somehow it's "personal" towards you? I asked why you're constantly giving others grief for writing a company you dislike and chastising them over how replaceable their carrier choice is. You shot back with... "I think Foresters sucks the big one. If that hurts your feelings then that's on you."... YOU went personal not I.

You accuse others of saying/doing exactly what YOU are saying or doing. It's called a strawman argument. :GEEK:

Where did I write I love Foresters anyway? My actual comment was "Foresters is just another carrier in my bag, I hold no allegiance with any of them". So again I'll defer to honest posters here who read this mess daily whether there's been repetitive criticism of other forum members carrier choice with charges of "And no surprises when it gets replaced". You comments are above on this page for all to make up their own minds so I'm done here.

You continue to lie and say that I talk how replaceable they are. I very seldom say that and that's never been my argument about Trans. I challenged you to back up those claims but you instead just want to continue the lie. I can't help what you interpret I said. As for Foresters, you have said more positive about them than I've ever said about KSKJ. So, who's making the strawman argument?

Then you want to get into selling on price and make a slam. OK, what do you sell on if not price? And just how un-shallow are you compared to me?

I thought you were just mistaken at first but now I see you want to engage in an argument. Fine by me.


It ain't easy being you, JD!:laugh:

It actually is!!:laugh: I'm the same all the time. I don't say anything about companies on here that I won't say directly to them.

But now I'm supposed to be responsible for how people interpret what I say, not what I actually say. I'll draw the line on that one.:1wink:
You continue to lie and say that I talk how replaceable they are. I very seldom say that and that's never been my argument about Trans. I challenged you to back up those claims but you instead just want to continue the lie. I can't help what you interpret I said.

Yep I'm a liar, you got me. You're contradicting yourself. So is it "very seldom" you chastise others on replacement or the fact it never happens and I lied by saying you do? Which is it? An easy one minute search brings to light many examples of my lie. Here's just two of those...

1. As I pointed out before...
But I have grown to love trans just as much as LH and OA. Replaced another Trans today. I hope Joey is right about them putting business everywhere. Replaced an OA in the same home. But I saved them far more money on the Trans than the OA.

2. Low hanging fruit from this thread, too easy...
And no surprises when it gets replaced either?:1wink:

I have more lies, want them? Nah, not gonna waste my time on your strawman argument and denial.

As for Foresters, you have said more positive about them than I've ever said about KSKJ. So, who's making the strawman argument?

Now THIS is an actual lie. I've made one comment about Foresters being "a great company within the FE arena". One... in this thread. Again you accuse someone of something you're actually doing yourself. That's your strawman. This all begin by me asking a quite simple question, you took offense, and went personal.

Enough of this second grade bickering. Nobody cares who I write nor who you write or the reasons why. Lighten up cletus.
In a state with NO KSKJ, FBL, SNL Transamerica it's about $1.50 from the lowest rate. Not counting companies I've never heard of or encountered in the business yet.

No company is perfect write what is in the best interest of the client then what you know in full confidence will give you the least amount of work both places in the policy and servicing it long term.

For all the drama Transamerica has caused me I would much rather have placed all of that business with Eagle Premier early in my career and lost 5 to 10% of it in random replacements. Because I lost more of that getting used to using Transamerica in this business.
Yep I'm a liar, you got me. You're contradicting yourself. So is it "very seldom" you chastise others on replacement or the fact it never happens and I lied by saying you do? Which is it? An easy one minute search brings to light many examples of my lie. Here's just two of those...

1. As I pointed out before...

2. Low hanging fruit from this thread, too easy...

I have more lies, want them? Nah, not gonna waste my time on your strawman argument and denial.

Now THIS is an actual lie. I've made one comment about Foresters being "a great company within the FE arena". One... in this thread. Again you accuse someone of something you're actually doing yourself. That's your strawman. This all begin by me asking a quite simple question, you took offense, and went personal.

Enough of this second grade bickering. Nobody cares who I write nor who you write or the reasons why. Lighten up cletus.

Don't let JD get to you. He is a marketer and must put on a mask while in the forum to ensure positive recruiting efforts.

Rule of thumb: rarely take advice from a marketer on this forum, they are always working an angle.
Don't let JD get to you. He is a marketer and must put on a mask while in the forum to ensure positive recruiting efforts. Rule of thumb: rarely take advice from a marketer on this forum, they are always working an angle.

I don't know if it's true or not but I've heard he gets kickbacks from Gerber.
Its very well know that Jd is very opinionated and loves to argue. First and foremost Jd has an obsession with being at or near the lowest price. I write as much fe as anyone on the planet and I see very few replacements. I build a trust with the client and then price is not an issue. I sell middle of the road priced products that will issue my businesss and not grief me.One place Trans is competitive is woman. If I provide good value ,service and the clients likes and trusts me i'm not going to get replaced.I must be doing something write as I wrote 22 sits in a row over a 8 day period. Jd I need someone to scrub my apps you up for the job?And by the way Trans is one of over 30 companies I wrote in the last 12 months. my
Its very well know that Jd is very opinionated and loves to argue. First and foremost Jd has an obsession with being at or near the lowest price. I write as much fe as anyone on the planet and I see very few replacements. I build a trust with the client and then price is not an issue. I sell middle of the road priced products that will issue my businesss and not grief me.One place Trans is competitive is woman. If I provide good value ,service and the clients likes and trusts me i'm not going to get replaced.I must be doing something write as I wrote 22 sits in a row over a 8 day period. Jd I need someone to scrub my apps you up for the job?And by the way Trans is one of over 30 companies I wrote in the last 12 months. my

Kudos to you. Weak agents need low prices, no doubt about that!

Finally, a true professional.