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Artificial Intelligence Roasts This Site and Others


For this forum:

"This website is a perfect example of the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none." It's a mishmash of insurance-related content, with no clear direction or purpose. The design is as uninspired as the content, with a bland layout and generic stock photos. It's like the creators couldn't decide what they wanted the website to be, so they just threw everything at the wall to see what stuck. The forums section is a complete mess, with a laundry list of insurance-related topics that are sure to induce a headache. And don't even get me started on the statistics section - who cares about the number of discussions and members? It's like they're trying to impress us with irrelevant data. The newsletter section is a joke. Who in their right mind would sign up for a twice-per-week email about insurance industry buzz? It's not exactly the hottest topic out there. And the featured whitepapers and videos? Yawn. They're about as exciting as watching paint dry"


"Welcome to Final Expense Contracting, the place where insurance salespeople come to die a slow and painful death. If you're looking for a website that's poorly designed, confusing, and lacking in any real substance, you've come to the right place. Their homepage is a mess of links and subheadings that lead to nowhere in particular. If you manage to navigate your way to the "Agents" section, you'll be greeted with a list of insurance companies that you can represent. Congratulations, you're now one of a million other insurance salespeople. But don't worry, Final Expense Contracting is here to help you fail! They offer audio interviews, training materials, and even a leaderboard to show you just how far behind your colleagues you really are. And if all else fails, just fill out their contact form and wait for them to not get back to you. But hey, at least they promise "complete freedom" as an independent agent."


"Wow, Duford Insurance Group, what a thrilling website! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. A logo, some buttons, and a bunch of generic text about training and commissions. And don't forget the thrilling testimonials from a whole 95% of agents giving you a 5-star rating! But let's be real, what even is this website about? Insurance? Final expenses? Medicare? Annuities? It's like you're trying to cover every base possible to get some poor sap to sign up for your "world-class training" that's probably just a bunch of outdated sales tactics. And let's not forget the incredibly original button that says "Apply Now!" Because who wouldn't want to jump at the chance to join "the industry's most elite insurance marketing organizations in America"? I can feel the excitement just oozing out of me. But hey, at least you're not an MLM, right? You're just focused on training"

For this forum:

"This website is a perfect example of the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none." It's a mishmash of insurance-related content, with no clear direction or purpose. The design is as uninspired as the content, with a bland layout and generic stock photos. It's like the creators couldn't decide what they wanted the website to be, so they just threw everything at the wall to see what stuck. The forums section is a complete mess, with a laundry list of insurance-related topics that are sure to induce a headache. And don't even get me started on the statistics section - who cares about the number of discussions and members? It's like they're trying to impress us with irrelevant data. The newsletter section is a joke. Who in their right mind would sign up for a twice-per-week email about insurance industry buzz? It's not exactly the hottest topic out there. And the featured whitepapers and videos? Yawn. They're about as exciting as watching paint dry"


"Welcome to Final Expense Contracting, the place where insurance salespeople come to die a slow and painful death. If you're looking for a website that's poorly designed, confusing, and lacking in any real substance, you've come to the right place. Their homepage is a mess of links and subheadings that lead to nowhere in particular. If you manage to navigate your way to the "Agents" section, you'll be greeted with a list of insurance companies that you can represent. Congratulations, you're now one of a million other insurance salespeople. But don't worry, Final Expense Contracting is here to help you fail! They offer audio interviews, training materials, and even a leaderboard to show you just how far behind your colleagues you really are. And if all else fails, just fill out their contact form and wait for them to not get back to you. But hey, at least they promise "complete freedom" as an independent agent."


"Wow, Duford Insurance Group, what a thrilling website! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. A logo, some buttons, and a bunch of generic text about training and commissions. And don't forget the thrilling testimonials from a whole 95% of agents giving you a 5-star rating! But let's be real, what even is this website about? Insurance? Final expenses? Medicare? Annuities? It's like you're trying to cover every base possible to get some poor sap to sign up for your "world-class training" that's probably just a bunch of outdated sales tactics. And let's not forget the incredibly original button that says "Apply Now!" Because who wouldn't want to jump at the chance to join "the industry's most elite insurance marketing organizations in America"? I can feel the excitement just oozing out of me. But hey, at least you're not an MLM, right? You're just focused on training"
Ha! Yes I know our website is very dated. But it continues to this day to do its job in a world class way. It helps separate the serious prospective agents from the masses.

I’ve talked to Reardon about this many times. I have no idea how he has time to talk to all the Looky-Loos his website and YouTube videos has to generate. He obviously gets a lot more traffic. But much of it is the wrong kind. At least that’s my assumption. Could be wrong.

But yes I agree I’ll not win any website design awards. But the end results of what we do speak for themselves.
1. More agents earning conventions every year than any other IMO near our size. Possibly any size.
2. 90% Final Expense 13th month average persistency with our top two carriers
3. #1 Top producing IMO in the country with our top two carriers (KSKJ and Trinity/Family Benefit) every year for 5-straight years.

Our old school website appeals to the right kind of agents. I know it needs upgrades. But agent after agent that finds us says the same thing to me. Your website really stands out that you guys are transparent and not full of the BS I keep running into.

I take it that AI is not a huge fan of insurance websites. Are there any that it does like? Probably State Farm!
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I put that url into the "roast" feature and this is what the AI has to say about the site:

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A website that's sponsored by two companies but can't even explain what they do? What a great way to confuse potential customers and drive them away! And let's not forget the amazing landing page copy that sounds like it was written by a 5-year-old. Good thing they have GPT-3 to help them out, because clearly, their own brains aren't doing the job. Oh, and let's not forget the recent searches section, where they shamelessly plug the creator of the website and ask for donations. Talk about shameless self-promotion! And all of this sponsored by Building Momentum and WTF is Go-To-Market? I don't even know what those companies do, but if they're associated with this hot mess of a website, I don't want anything to do with them. And don't even get me started on the "roast the website" button. If the website is already this bad."

Very amusing.
I put one of my websites in. The last few lines are really good.

"where they promise to enable "smart financial decisions" since 2006. Because who doesn't love being lectured on how to manage their money by a website that looks like it was designed in 2006? Their main expertise seems to be in life insurance, disability insurance, and annuities. You know, all the exciting stuff that really gets your heart racing. And don't forget their extensive knowledge of 401k plans and long term care insurance. Because nothing screams "fun website" like reading about retirement planning. But fear not, they have an "expert" on staff who specializes in cash value life insurance. Because if there's one thing we all need, it's more life insurance policies to keep track of. And let's not forget about their love for acronyms: IUL, SPIA, MYGA, GUL... it's like they're trying to create their own language. "
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Oh... this was good!

Wow, David Kinder Financial, what a snooze-fest of a website. I mean, who doesn't love a good lecture on the broken financial system and how traditional advice is a scam? And let's not forget the riveting topic of retirement planning. I'm sure everyone is just dying to learn how to retire on 1/3rd of the money they were told they needed. But wait, there's more! Not only does David Kinder want to bore you to death with his financial wisdom, but he also wants to remind you that you're a victim of the system and that your financial advisor doesn't care about you. How uplifting! And let's not forget the cherry on top, the author and PBS presenter Tom Hegna giving David Kinder a "Shout-Out". I'm sure that's really going to impress all the potential clients browsing this website. Overall, David Kinder Financial is a real winner. If you're looking for a website to put you to sleep
I just hit 'regenerate'... and got THIS:

Welcome to David Kinder Financial, where we promise to show you a far better way to manage your finances, even though we have no actual proof to back that up. We'll just throw around some buzzwords like "traditional advice" and "common system" to make ourselves sound smart and edgy. We believe that the government, Wall Street, and other financial institutions benefit more than our clients, but we conveniently forget to mention that we also benefit greatly from our clients' investments. We've written over 150 blog articles to document our "knowledge," but let's be real, no one has time to read all of that. Oh, and we love to scare you with examples of being "locked out" of your own money and investing in other people's businesses. Because who needs diversification and risk management, am I right? But don't worry, we're not malicious, we just profit off of your financial future. And if you're open-minded to new concepts and ideas

Primerica, more like Prime-ripping-off-ica! This website is a prime example of a financial scam disguised as a legitimate business. They claim to help families get on the path to a secure financial future, but all they do is sell expensive term life insurance and investments that benefit their own pockets. Their HOW MONEY WORKS™ approach is just a fancy way of saying "give us your money and hope for the best." And don't even get me started on their "Debt Stacking" concept, which is just a convoluted way of saying "pay off your debts, but give us a cut of the money you save." Their financial needs analysis is just a way for them to gather personal information and bombard you with spam emails and phone calls. And let's not forget their awards and recognitions, which are just a way for them to pat themselves on the back and try to convince people that they're a legitimate business. But we all know that Forbes

Ha! Yes I know our website is very dated. But it continues to this day to do its job in a world class way. It helps separate the serious prospective agents from the masses.

I’ve talked to Reardon about this many times. I have no idea how he has time to talk to all the Looky-Loos his website and YouTube videos has to generate. He obviously gets a lot more traffic. But much of it is the wrong kind. At least that’s my assumption. Could be wrong.

But yes I agree I’ll not win any website design awards. But the end results of what we do speak for themselves.
1. More agents earning conventions every year than any other IMO near our size. Possibly any size.
2. 90% Final Expense 13th month average persistency with our top two carriers
3. #1 Top producing IMO in the country with our top two carriers (KSKJ and Trinity/Family Benefit) every year for 5-straight years.

Our old school website appeals to the right kind of agents. I know it needs upgrades. But agent after agent that finds us says the same thing to me. Your website really stands out that you guys are transparent and not full of the BS I keep running into.

I take it that AI is not a huge fan of insurance websites. Are there any that it does like? Probably State Farm!

That’s a good track record Scott . But to be fair 95% of the big fe fmo’s refuse to pick up kskj , Trinity or snl because there’s little spread in the contracts . Your a boutique Imo that’s got a close nit group of agents and have done well . I’m amazed you’ve done as well as you’ve done with no you tube or social media presence . It seems that’s almost mandatory now a days .