FE DM income and age range

Had a DM Company contact me about doing an FE Mailer with them. They presented a couple of options, so I asked what they suggested for age and income. They said $50K plus income and age range of 60-80.

I haven't done mailers in a long time. I had modest success with MP a good while back, but not straight up FE. Has something changed with the FE market? Selecting for incomes over $50K seems kind of high?
Had a DM Company contact me about doing an FE Mailer with them. They presented a couple of options, so I asked what they suggested for age and income. They said $50K plus income and age range of 60-80.

I haven't done mailers in a long time. I had modest success with MP a good while back, but not straight up FE. Has something changed with the FE market? Selecting for incomes over $50K seems kind of high?
I use a zero bottom income filter and $40K for top. That's pretty much the norm for FE agents.
Thanks, wonder why they would suggest $50K+? I've never heard anyone mention mailing to that income level for FE. I was thinking about doing a mailer, since they asked, but that seems odd, compared to what I've read here.
They simply had no idea what they are doing. Is it an established mail house that you seeked out? Or a new start up that spammed you? Huge difference.
They simply had no idea what they are doing. Is it an established mail house that you seeked out? Or a new start up that spammed you? Huge difference.
I didn't seek them out, I get emails all the time, but this one followed up with a phone call, and I thought, why not? Haven't done a mailing in quite a while, and they seem to really want the biz.

It was probably just a communication problem as @theinsuranceman says. I don't think they meant $50K Plus. I emailed back questioning that choice, and got a response back the next day saying that it was an error, and they meant $15-$50K.

It is still a little bit of a head shaker because it was there in print $50K+. Regardless, I'm going to use them anyway. The salesperson could be new.
I didn't seek them out, I get emails all the time, but this one followed up with a phone call, and I thought, why not? Haven't done a mailing in quite a while, and they seem to really want the biz.

It was probably just a communication problem as @theinsuranceman says. I don't think they meant $50K Plus. I emailed back questioning that choice, and got a response back the next day saying that it was an error, and they meant $15-$50K.

It is still a little bit of a head shaker because it was there in print $50K+. Regardless, I'm going to use them anyway. The salesperson could be new.
Yes they probably mailed the $15 to $50. That does leave out a lot of the main buyers but some agents don't like to work the lowest income people anyway so should be good.

How much are they charging per 1000?
I didn't seek them out, I get emails all the time, but this one followed up with a phone call, and I thought, why not? Haven't done a mailing in quite a while, and they seem to really want the biz.

It was probably just a communication problem as @theinsuranceman says. I don't think they meant $50K Plus. I emailed back questioning that choice, and got a response back the next day saying that it was an error, and they meant $15-$50K.

It is still a little bit of a head shaker because it was there in print $50K+. Regardless, I'm going to use them anyway. The salesperson could be new.
Personally I’d mail 0-$30 k if your in a populated area . Understand a lot of retirees show little income even though they got good assets . Even at $40 k you’re going to get responses from people with $300-$600 k homes who have zero interest in a fe policy . I run 0-$20 k for Medicare and I still run into 10% that gave $300 k or above homes and good assets .
Personally I’d mail 0-$30 k if your in a populated area . Understand a lot of retirees show little income even though they got good assets . Even at $40 k you’re going to get responses from people with $300-$600 k homes who have zero interest in a fe policy . I run 0-$20 k for Medicare and I still run into 10% that gave $300 k or above homes and good assets .

Would also depend on which part of the country the mailing is in. $50k as a top income filter should be flexible because $50k income in Jackson, MS is different than $50k income in Dallas, TX.