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Asking about insurance companies not paying claims for people vaccinated

Nothing new, unfortunately.

Bill Maher did an interesting segment on how the cdc completely bungled and misled the public and caused mass hysteria when "handling" the HIV outbreak in the early 80's.

Opinion | Unlearned AIDS Lessons for Covid

Video Resurfaces of Fauci Warning ‘Household Contact’ with AIDS Patients Could Put Kids at Risk
Bill's been saying alot of smart things for a Liberal lately.

Fauci needs to be tried for crimes against humanity!!!
Nothing new, unfortunately.

Bill Maher did an interesting segment on how the cdc completely bungled and misled the public and caused mass hysteria when "handling" the HIV outbreak in the early 80's.

Opinion | Unlearned AIDS Lessons for Covid

Video Resurfaces of Fauci Warning ‘Household Contact’ with AIDS Patients Could Put Kids at Risk

No nothing new but its much more prevalent

And much more out in the open without embarrassment

Back then when they got caught a person would go away it would be a big deal

Today the same person who was caught can come out with a new claim next week and be accepted with applause

Proverbial frog is done put a fork in it

Bill has been a democrat for a long time, but he's not on board with the liberal-woke-crazy-train, and he'll call them out on all their crazy bs. He's loyal to the party, but you can see him struggling to stay on board amidst their nonsense.

Yes he is a rare thing in Liberalism, I don't know another known in media or politics or anyone who has a public platform that is honest like this except him

I have noticed this for a couple of years now
Yes he is a rare thing in Liberalism, I don't know another known in media or politics or anyone who has a public platform that is honest like this except him

I have noticed this for a couple of years now

Joe Rogan too. He is on the left with everything except guns, but I would probably call him a classic liberal like Maher. He is against cancel culture, deplatforming, and censorship which fits WITH classic liberalism, but AGAINST the new woke left, and also I think why they are after him.

I think too many on the left are worried about their careers to speak out like Maher and Rogan do.

This is the same reason that Harvey Weinstein was able to rape so many women for so long. Too many people were more worried about their careers than doing the right thing, so they were protecting him by not speaking out.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
Joe Rogan too. He is on the left with everything except guns, but I would probably call him a classic liberal like Maher. He is against cancel culture, deplatforming, and censorship which fits WITH classic liberalism, but AGAINST the new woke left, and also I think why they are after him.

I think too many on the left are worried about their careers to speak out like Maher and Rogan do.

This is the same reason that Harvey Weinstein was able to rape so many women for so long. Too many people were more worried about their careers than doing the right thing, so they were protecting him by not speaking out.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”

You know I know nothing of Joe Rogan except he has been based in the news a lot l;lately he has been portrayed as right-winger I think it was msn that said he was part of the far right

I personally never listen to anything he put out its just they way its been reported
You know I know nothing of Joe Rogan except he has been based in the news a lot l;lately he has been portrayed as right-winger I think it was msn that said he was part of the far right

I personally never listen to anything he put out its just they way its been reported

Lol, he is on the left on every issue but guns, but his anti censorship, anti cancel culture, pro exercise, pro personal responsibility stances have made him a target for the woke police, so they call him far right, lol.
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Lol, he is on the left on every issue but guns, but his anti censorship, anti cancel culture, pro exercise, pro personal responsibility stances have made him a target for the work police, so they call him far right, lol.

Interesting I never listened to him but its a testament to the indoctrination under the left media to paint him as righ wing even as far as to say far right one time
Interesting I never listened to him but its a testament to the indoctrination under the left media to paint him as righ wing even as far as to say far right one time
Joe says O'bama was our greatest President. He also said that if Big Mike runs for President, he'll vote for him.
Joe says O'bama was our greatest President. He also said that if Big Mike runs for President, he'll vote for him.

Yea I have n o idea I really onl;y noticed when he started poping up in headlines So many other things to keep track of it was low on the totam pole

But again shows how the news headlines can shape what we see when we are not informed on something

And today there are way to many things to be informed on its impossible to keep up