Benipath I Mean Really?


5000 Post Club
I had started a trail with the at the same time I had been trying another vendor
And the other vendor was doing well and benipath was not.

I decided to cancel & they have some policy where they want a weeks notice.I began to call them last Monday phone number from 3 reps and the main number where there is an option for clients and for sales I called each 3 x a day till I finally got someone on the phone Wednesday who informed me to email [email protected], When I emailed I stated that I was concerned because of my issue's reaching some one that I would need a response to my email so I know it has been received.

Come Friday i still have not received a response so I canceled my CC (which was my best CC) and emailed them said since they have not responded that they can use my deposit to pay for my leads and that's it. You would think that is fair enough

Except I got email today girl in billing emailed me and said they will charge me late penalty if I don't update my billing and pay charge if I have any question to call her direct.

I called as soon as email was received and it went right to voice mail. I mean Really she just emailed and she is not available.

Is this place serious do they really think I should pay them. They are like a bad joke

And the worst part is out of 15 leads I might close 1 down the line, but who knows they are going to resell my leads anyway.

I cant believe these guys are serious
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Just contest the charges.

I canceled the card Friday, they cant charge it and they have a deposit, I told them they can use that to pay for the leads as it does cover the cost.So its not like I received anything that's not paid for & I def am not trying to get over on them.

Its just they send me these email's about I need to pay or be charged penalties and that they will return my deposit in 30 days.

I mean I don't know (as I never had this as an issue before) If they can go after me legally or effect my credit score.
I've contested charges numerous times on vendors that were shady. Never been a problem. Crooks don't want the authorities looking into their business.
I canceled the card Friday, they cant charge it and they have a deposit, I told them they can use that to pay for the leads as it does cover the cost.So its not like I received anything that's not paid for & I def am not trying to get over on them.

Its just they send me these email's about I need to pay or be charged penalties and that they will return my deposit in 30 days.

I mean I don't know (as I never had this as an issue before) If they can go after me legally or effect my credit score.

Im pretty sure the email address to cancel is in their contract/terms & conditions. It also says that they require 1 weeks notice.

With the deposit I do understand your point. But at the same time most companies that take a deposit want you to settle the bill and then they return the deposit. I think your offer was fair because if it is the same amount either way its 6 1 way half dozen the other type scenario. Id be surprised if they dont let you do that after speaking to the billing dept girl.

I had a landlord that once wanted me to cut a check for the last months rent vs. just keeping my deposit. He had already walked through the house and agreed that it was 100% ok. But he still wanted the formality of returning the deposit vs. keeping it. I guess I could have destroyed the place in the last week... but he knew I wasnt like that... I even made a few minor repairs over the years that I could have put off on him. But he still wanted to be in his words "official" about it. Whatever.

If you cancelled last week then just pay your last weeks balance and get your deposit back.You were only charged if you received leads... pay for what you received and just be done with it. But the delay on a return call is piss poor on their part.

What kind of leads were you buying? What state are you in?

As far as your credit history I doubt they would report it since they have the deposit.

I suggest you use prepaid cards for your lead vendors. That way if things go south you do not have to worry about a regular card being mischarged.
I have been on with Benepath for about one month. So far we have 7 leads I have spoke to 3 and may sell one X-date. At $34 a lead those figures are not too good. They claim to have many satisfied agents, as they all do, does anyone else use them? It sounds like a good platform but I am too new to their system to judge the results yet.

What are your experiences with BENEPATH for Medicare leads.
Im pretty sure the email address to cancel is in their contract/terms & conditions. It also says that they require 1 weeks notice.

With the deposit I do understand your point. But at the same time most companies that take a deposit want you to settle the bill and then they return the deposit. I think your offer was fair because if it is the same amount either way its 6 1 way half dozen the other type scenario. Id be surprised if they dont let you do that after speaking to the billing dept girl.

I had a landlord that once wanted me to cut a check for the last months rent vs. just keeping my deposit. He had already walked through the house and agreed that it was 100% ok. But he still wanted the formality of returning the deposit vs. keeping it. I guess I could have destroyed the place in the last week... but he knew I wasnt like that... I even made a few minor repairs over the years that I could have put off on him. But he still wanted to be in his words "official" about it. Whatever.

If you cancelled last week then just pay your last weeks balance and get your deposit back.You were only charged if you received leads... pay for what you received and just be done with it.

What kind of leads were you buying? What state are you in?

As far as your credit history I doubt they would report it since they have the deposit.

I suggest you use prepaid cards for your lead vendors. That way if things go south you do not have to worry about a regular card being mischarged.

Keep in mind the billing girl only emailed me, She did not answer phone, Return my call or respond to my email.

Also keep in mind my intention in the beginning was to pay fully and get deposit returned,
It was only after making numerous call to get some one on the phone and after they did not respond to my request to let me know they received cancel email that I canceled card and emailed them to take my deposit

I mean I don't care if they cant effect my credit or take legal action, My deposit covers my leads and I can sleep well that I am not taking advantage.

So I am not concerned anymore.

Only people should know how they do business

I have used a lot of vendors some good, some bad and some horrific but none has done this.I mean give me bad leads fine Ill take it on the chin but this is absurd


I have been on with Benepath for about one month. So far we have 7 leads I have spoke to 3 and may sell one X-date. At $34 a lead those figures are not too good. They claim to have many satisfied agents, as they all do, does anyone else use them? It sounds like a good platform but I am too new to their system to judge the results yet.

What are your experiences with BENEPATH for Medicare leads.

That's what I used them for, out of 15 I might close one and the last few I haven't reached.

I knew it was too early to get a real feel but Lee_CQ from this forum has been working good and I figured i would cancel before I got too many as they do resell the leads when you cancel. So I though if I cancelled early I might still give em a shot down the line if my other sources didn't work out and that is where the trouble began
Ether weigh it sounds like their knot a good company two due business with.

I have actually heard the opposite. The OP only bought 15 leads, which is hardly an adequate sample size to judge a lead campaign on, especially for medsups. If they had bought 100 or 200 then their results would hold a lot more weight.

But Benipath not returning his call is bad form obviously. But Ive had that happen with multiple lead companies over the years. Nothing exclusive to just Benipath. That is why it is always best to cancel via email so there is a dated written record. And is also best to pay for leads with a prepaid card just in case things go south. I know an agent who has used Benipath for the past 2 years and has done well with them and is pleased overall.