• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

Bye Bye Humana, Bye Bye...

Well said NorwayGuy,

For some reason, everyone forgets there is a RISK to being a broker. Many people just plain can't do it, or can't make a living at it. Those who do are BOTH very good at their job AND busting their butts.

The joke over here is you "have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince". If you close 1 out of every 5 groups you spend the time courting, you're doing damn well. Keep in mind, all 5 require calls, handshakes, time on hold, time spent running quotes, evaluating existing policies, etc.

Ray and Norway,
Thanks for helping me keep in mind that there are beautiful Princesses amongst the Toads. It's been 6 days since my last "Princess" appointment. The Toads are becoming wartier and peeing on me more, but I'll keep on kissing!