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Captive or not?

I sure hope so. I was trying to be polite towards UA and since I didn't see any :D I guess I thought he was serious.

Maybe I just better go to bed tonight or play a little poker on line. I'm batting a big ZERO here tonight.

Some weeks it goes on and on like that and then it gets worse. :D

Thanks for covering my "six". Or maybe it's only a 5 1/2 tonight.
I sure hope so. I was trying to be polite towards UA and since I didn't see any :D I guess I thought he was serious.

Maybe I just better go to bed tonight or play a little poker on line. I'm batting a big ZERO here tonight.

Some weeks it goes on and on like that and then it gets worse. :D

Thanks for covering my "six". Or maybe it's only a 5 1/2 tonight.

Yes I was jesting there Frank. I actually started my insurance career with an MGA for UA... I saw the light just like most on the forum. BTW... I just got done playing some online poker... not my night! I think I'll stick to selling insurance!
:biggrin:For what it's worth Frank I sincerely believe you have forgotten more about insurance than I know and I really value your opinions(99.9% of the time anyway lol)

I also worked for UA as a captive agent when I first got started. I'll never forget being handed my "leads". A voter registration list!

Poker isn't working tonight for me either. It hasn't been one of my better weeks so far.


Thanks, my mother says I a really nice guy 80% of the time. I like your numbers better.
Frank I'm glad u mentioned voter list I e-mailed my local registra of voters to find out how to get list several days ago and I am still waiting. Do I need to call them do I have a legal right to get the list how do I start this process

That was a long time ago in the early 90's. I haven't tried to get a voter registration list since them. Just the sight of one makes me cringe.

They use to be free and available for the asking. Not sure what the deal is today.

I would call them, like on he phone. I don't send e-mail for things like that. I either go there or call. I think e-mails are too easy for people to ignore. I still like to talk to a person. I provide phone support for YIO because it is too difficult, and can be confusing trying to do it by e-mail. E-mail is great for sending your mother a pic and note so she doesn't yell at you for not calling often enough. :D
Grab experience and learn the business. If you still like the business after at least a years time then branch out on your own is my suggestion.
There are a few "captive" carriers that permit you to sell products that they don't offer so its possible to have the best of both worlds. the "fraternal" carriers such as Woodsmen and Foresters do this I believe.
Personally I "think" I would give captive a year or so if you don't have ins. exp. The training would/should be invaluable and the financial output on your part won't be nearly as great.

I am transitioning into this industry myself and have already decided to go independent but have always liked working independently rather than for someone else.

This story should illustrate One day a thin and hungry coyote ran into a couple well fed dogs & struck up a conversation. The dogs were telling him about their pans of food & comfy place to sleep on the farm. They suggested he join them on the farm. Then the coyote noticed their collars and said "What are those?" "Well, one dog explained sometimes our master ties us up!" About then the coyote said "I'm outa here!"

Morale of the story: Some of us are not wired to be captive agents.:cool: