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Cold Calling from the Car


Does anyone have a setup for cold calling from the car?
I spend about three hours each day drive to/from Chicago (1.5 each way) and would like to make that time productive.

I am thinking I could get a wireless card, put my laptop in the car, and then use a hosted dialer.
I started a thread on this a while ago but I was parked and did it because I had no quiet space at the time.

I wouldn't attempt it because of the safety issue. You're probably keeping your eyes on the road but your mind is not concentrated on driving.
I can't imagine driving and telemarketing. Aside from the safety issue which I personally don't completely see as a problem, I think you'd be more likely to jeopardize a sale AND be more burnt when you get to the office.

Silly question, if you're doing your own cold calling, why do you commute in and out of Chicago on a daily basis? Are you for some reason captive?
Listen to some good sales cd's like The Closers over and over again and Think And Grow Rich instead. Don't listen to music. This is perfect time for listening to some really good stuff like that. Even Bob Proctor stuff.
You now get fined for talking a cell phone in any work area in IL. Seen state police scoping people out for it.
sometimes cell phones are hard enough to hear when you are in a quiet place. A car just makes it that much more difficult.

Also I think many people would find it odd and unprofessional.

Maybe you can use that time to keep in touch with people you are trying to make clients out of or people who are already your A clients.

That would propbably prove more fruitful than cold calling during that time.
On top of the background noise and distracted driving, how would you make notes?