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Cold Calling from the Car

I agree with Krista, however I do make FOLLOW-UP calls from my cell phone in my car.

Now, let me clarify what a follow-up call is for me: I canvass business owners and leave a flyer behind. I call them 1-2 days later to see about scheduling a time to get together and I can show them the kind of work I do - such as what I describe in the flyer.

Keep in mind that I'm in my car, but my car is NOT moving. I'm parked and staying in a general area that I'm targeting for the day, so I can walk in and call people without going back to my office.

I have a high quality cell phone service and reception. But if someone actually DID ask if I was calling from a cell phone, I'd probably say "Yes, I am. I'm very busy between appointments, so I take the time that I have and work as efficiently as possible." If it was a business owner, I'd probably add "Isn't that what you'd want your sales force to do too?"

A lot of things become a big deal because WE make it a big deal. IMO, people don't care if we sound like we're in a big office building. They are all tuned into the same radio station. You know which one it is. WIIFM - What's In It For Me.

If you can get their attention, they'll listen to you. If you can't, then it still doesn't matter what phone you use... what office you have... what address is on your business cards... whether you print your own business cards and they have perforated edges on them... whether you use MagicJack...

Nobody cares!

John Savage warned insurance agents about "form versus substance" in his Master Sales DVD course. John Savage WORE GREEN SUITS! He joked that the Salvation Army wouldn't take them! He was kinda "frumpy" looking! Do you think anybody really cared?? How much life insurance premium do you think he wrote in a year before he died?

Look, be safe and keep doing the things that keep you efficient and in front of people. Make cold calls, cold-canvass, get referrals... all those things. Just don't forget to be yourself instead of subjecting yourself to be the "slave of the image of our industry" - because NOBODY CARES!
A lot of things become a big deal because WE make it a big deal. IMO, people don't care if we sound like we're in a big office building. They are all tuned into the same radio station. You know which one it is. WIIFM - What's In It For Me.

If you can get their attention, they'll listen to you. If you can't, then it still doesn't matter what phone you use... what office you have... what address is on your business cards... whether you print your own business cards and they have perforated edges on them... whether you use MagicJack...

Nobody cares!

John Savage warned insurance agents about "form versus substance" in his Master Sales DVD course. John Savage WORE GREEN SUITS! He joked that the Salvation Army wouldn't take them! He was kinda "frumpy" looking! Do you think anybody really cared?? How much life insurance premium do you think he wrote in a year before he died?

Look, be safe and keep doing the things that keep you efficient and in front of people. Make cold calls, cold-canvass, get referrals... all those things. Just don't forget to be yourself instead of subjecting yourself to be the "slave of the image of our industry" - because NOBODY CARES!

Good post there, I agree 100%.