Correct Way to Handle Old Leads

Personally I would think it makes a better impression to have several with you. First of all, people have a herd mentality. They want to do what everybody else is doing. Second, it gives the impression you are a busy agent with many people vying for your time but you have chosen to spend it with them.

Agreed. People make decisions on other people's approval. It's human nature.

That's why the line, "What most folks in your position do is ......" works so well.
Agreed. People make decisions on other people's approval. It's human nature.

That's why the line, "What most folks in your position do is ......" works so well.

Anyone that thinks people do not have a herd mentality just need to pay attention to the traffic on the interstate. There will be a mile or so with no cars at all.. Then there will be 10 -12 cars all bunched together followed by a long empty stretch.
Anyone that thinks people do not have a herd mentality just need to pay attention to the traffic on the interstate. There will be a mile or so with no cars at all.. Then there will be 10 -12 cars all bunched together followed by a long empty stretch.

The biggest producer I know taught me that. He was personally mentored by W Clement Stone. He does 500k a year in AP at Combined.
The biggest producer I know taught me that. He was personally mentored by W Clement Stone. He does 500k a year in AP at Combined.

I know it is different now but that would be a bunch of the $20 every six months accident plans that they used to write "back in the day".
I know it is different now but that would be a bunch of the $20 every six months accident plans that they used to write "back in the day".

Yep. He's in the worksite division now. No telling how many of those he's sold though.

A grand diamond is when you write $50k in a six week span. He's done it I think 98 times now. I think he'll retire when he hits 100.

These FE IMOs sure would like to get ahold of him. No telling what he could do in a year.
We can all kinda guess what type of organization you belong to because a lot of us started out with similar IMO's. Know this. The shady organizations will always try to control your leads. The good guys will always let you control your own leads If you have the money, then buy your own. If you're broke, then work the free ones until you can afford to buy your own. Don't be captive until you've read enough information about captive agencies on this forum. Be cautious about the contracts you sign with any IMO...especially the one you're with now.

The best thing that ever happened to my career was getting my insurance license. The second best thing was reading tons of information right here in this forum about lead sources, IMO's, carriers, etc. I've met with some of the top producers in the nation in FE...and they've all helped me a ton.
Personally I would think it makes a better impression to have several with you. First of all, people have a herd mentality. They want to do what everybody else is doing. Second, it gives the impression you are a busy agent with many people vying for your time but you have chosen to spend it with them.

I know some pretty good producers that DK. To a man they only go to the door with the one lead card in hand.

I would pattern that if I were to be a DK'er. Not anecdotal evidence.
Rouse, do you have a hall pass? You know better:laugh:

Looked at my post.. I didn't actually say I wasn't speaking from personal experience so I'll say it now.. I wasn't speaking from personal experience.. I did say, "I would think" which kind of indicates I wasn't speaking from personal experience. :)