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Covered California Exchange Web Site Now Live

"Background checks would create barriers for a lot of communities of color and disproportionately exclude African American and Latino men from participating,"

Don't government jobs usually perform background checks? At some point, you have to place security over diversity. That point comes exactly at "access to personally identifiable information".

The DMV has background checks and they don't get to see my tax docs or health information...You really want criminals to have access to not just your social, but your address and income? To know your children's names and ages?
"Background checks would create barriers for a lot of communities of color and disproportionately exclude African American and Latino men from participating,"

Don't government jobs usually perform background checks? At some point, you have to place security over diversity. That point comes exactly at "access to personally identifiable information".

The DMV has background checks and they don't get to see my tax docs or health information...You really want criminals to have access to not just your social, but your address and income? To know your children's names and ages?

Someone could make a living by getting a group of people to follow navigators and selling either LifeLock or LegalShield to people who are upper middle class and up, and just collecting their downline compensation.
"Background checks would create barriers for a lot of communities of color and disproportionately exclude African American and Latino men from participating,"

What about Indian, Chinese and Polish men? They have communities too.
Newly revised 71 page contract that an insurer must agree to, in order to sell on the California Exchange-Marketplace. It's no wonder why so many insurers are shying away from State Exchanges.

Ref: http://www.healthexchange.ca.gov/BoardMeetings/Documents/May 7, 2013/QHP Model Contract Clean.pdf

Note this wording from section 3.04:

"Contractor agrees that, to the extent not already required to do so by law, effective no later than December 31, 2013, it shall terminate or arrange for the termination of all of its non-grandfathered individual health insurance plan contracts or policies which are not compliant with the applicable provisions of the Affordable Care Act."

The prior version said "March 31, 2014". There's a lot of information in this contract that gives insight into what many Exchanges will require, as they follow California's lead.
From that same meeting, apparently CoveredCA plans to announce participating insurers on May 23rd.

Not offering any non-standard plan designs on indy exchange- maybe on SHOP.

Insurers must terminate non-compliant plans Dec 31,2013.

Livestream here, but almost over: http://t.co/Sj6Ww0ayC1

UPDATE: Assister program compensation revealed. $58 for new enrollment, $25 for renewal.
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We won't know agent comp until the carriers reveal it. I have heard it could be as late as 8/31

Dave, do you know if there will be a FEE charged to California brokers for attending the Exchange Certification Training and/or for being able to use the Exchange portal? You'd think that those in charge would be grateful to have us help ObamaCare be successful, and not charge a dime for anything.
Dave, do you know if there will be a FEE charged to California brokers for attending the Exchange Certification Training and/or for being able to use the Exchange portal? You'd think that those in charge would be grateful to have us help ObamaCare be successful, and not charge a dime for anything.

I would expect training to be free but I suppose it could be like AHIP and have a fee, we'll have to wait and see.

It had better be worth some CE credits ;)
Typically., how does indy health comm compare to medicare.. for ex 512 yr 1 and 252 remewals for medicare adv and similar for med supps... what might comm be for aca? I heard it will be less than MA and med supps