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Data Divulges Best Day and Time to Reach a Lead

Thanks for sharing this Brian. It does coincide with my experience: Wed. and Thurs., early morning and late afternoon/early evening.

I've worked dm leads which asks on the form for the best time to call. Can't always connect with the lead at the time provided.

If I can't reach someone in the morning, I try in the afternoon/evening and vice versa.
I don't agree with your chart because of several reasons. If you have a qualified list of people to call or industries, some have better days than others example: Cosmetologist are usually off on Monday's and that is the best day to call them....unless you think calling them while they are cutting hair is better?

I call about 1000 people per day and if you are promoting certain days over others then you are promoting failure because anyone will look for any reason not to call.

Oh by the way, I made $1.2 million last year calling everyday of the week calling 1000 people per day - I really don't care about cycles or what is the best day or time - because I don't believe in excuses.

To further understand - click on my Video's on YouTube - look for Selling Life Insurance Over the Phone - watch all 11 video's
I don't agree with your chart because of several reasons. If you have a qualified list of people to call or industries, some have better days than others example: Cosmetologist are usually off on Monday's and that is the best day to call them....unless you think calling them while they are cutting hair is better?

I call about 1000 people per day and if you are promoting certain days over others then you are promoting failure because anyone will look for any reason not to call.

Oh by the way, I made $1.2 million last year calling everyday of the week calling 1000 people per day - I really don't care about cycles or what is the best day or time - because I don't believe in excuses.

To further understand - click on my Video's on YouTube - look for Selling Life Insurance Over the Phone - watch all 11 video's

Giving yourself a thumbs up is NOT cool...makes you look stupid. If you have to pat yourself on the back then you probably exaggerate a LOT.:twitchy:
I don't agree with your chart because of several reasons. If you have a qualified list of people to call or industries, some have better days than others example: Cosmetologist are usually off on Monday's and that is the best day to call them....unless you think calling them while they are cutting hair is better?

I call about 1000 people per day and if you are promoting certain days over others then you are promoting failure because anyone will look for any reason not to call.

Oh by the way, I made $1.2 million last year calling everyday of the week calling 1000 people per day - I really don't care about cycles or what is the best day or time - because I don't believe in excuses.

To further understand - click on my Video's on YouTube - look for Selling Life Insurance Over the Phone - watch all 11 video's

So your leads include the prospect's profession and their daily schedule? The op's information was about the "best" times to call, not the "only" time to call. Nobody is making any excuses.
My company, Velocify, recently conducted a study – "When to Call Sales Leads” – and found this thinking is flawed from the start. Our study dug into how much of a difference calling buyers at the “best” time vs. the “worst” time makes in terms of contact rate, and the answer isn’t pretty.

In fact, the research found that the difference in contact rates between the worst and the best time to make sales calls is only 2.6 percentage points.

For sales organizations that are restructuring their sales strategy so salespeople only make calls at times of day that are proven to be “optimal” are actually setting themselves back. Instead, salespeople should follow up quickly with a new lead and then following up at strategic intervals.