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Desktop Vs Laptop

I would have to say both use desktop at home, and laptop out in the field. I have had some business owners, and consumers that preferred to do the app at their home or office. I have stole some deals from other agents who didn't have one, and did paper apps..It's just a convenience thing..Also if you are out walk and talking you never know what situation you run into meaning that owner might have been searching or had it on the to do list..BOOOM! instant appointment and close...:cool:
The Lapdances on Route 73 in NJ just over the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge are great....but expensive. OOPs, my bad. I just realized you're talking about computers!:swoon:
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I'm one of the few agents who run their agency with an iMac. (That's because, according to Rick I only have two clients... myself and my wife!! :laugh:) I run Parallels ($80) in order to run Windows XP so I can use the few WL/UL quote programs from carriers who are not on the web... John Hancock, Principal, Ohio National. (And most of the time I have a GA run them for me... let them EARN their override.)


For the road I use a 4 year old white (plastic... cheap) MacBook lappy. This runs my PPT via NeoOffice (free) as well as some of my PDF slide shows and quotes.


I also have an iPhone and I use the Apple MobileMe "cloud" as my "Exchange Server" keeping all my contacts and calendars synced among all my devices.

The Apple platform is expensive but you get a lot for you money... in that everything really "hangs" together well (and it SHOULD since it all comes from one neck to strangle!)

I try to keep as much of my "stuff" in the cloud as possible... most importantly my database which is SugarCRM. (I also liked vTiger.)

While I could exist with just a laptop, the large screen and speed of the iMac desktop (along with its great built-in speakers (how do they get such great sound out of such tiny speakers?)) makes my office-routine rather nice. And with the Apple you don't have to worry much about malware and say what you want about the cost, but I think with Apple you get a higher quality of hardware (mainly because I've had so few repairs in the past five years I've been on this platform.)

So, my advice is to use both a lappy and a desktop and the cloud as much as you can.

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New desktop and new small travel/patio laptop.

Going to the internet for client management also makes sense. As well as Goggle syncing to my Android (EVO)

Just wish all the companies had online illustrations. Till then Compulife online.

I personally have all three, desktop, laptop, & netbook.

Desktop for home office use every day.
Laptop for business/pleasure or whatever.
Mini netbook for quotes & online apps when in the field. I tether to my blackberry for internet service, only $10/mth for that feature.
I personally have all three, desktop, laptop, & netbook.

Desktop for home office use every day.
Laptop for business/pleasure or whatever.
Mini netbook for quotes & online apps when in the field. I tether to my blackberry for internet service, only $10/mth for that feature.

Have you installed insurance software on the netbook, or just online quotes?
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Working on my 21" now (iMac that is).

But going with the 15" PowerBook is a solid way to go.

I hope you two do not break out the ruler.:twitchy:
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