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Does Anyone Know About LSH?

Well, I happen to love cold-calling and have done a lot of it for a lot of years.

I also happen to think I'm pretty good at it, and I have a few buddies in the business who are pretty good at it too.

So what are we missing in our own practices that we can't set 3-4 appointments a day, double and triple verify them, call those who didn't buy to see why, and reaffirm the sale with people who did buy?

Because we'd drive the senior nuts with all that contact! But isn't that how the LSH website describes the appointment setting process?

It just doesn't happen that way.

If there was such a great script the telemarketers were using to set all those appointments don't you think it would have leaked out by now, at least by some disgruntled agent?

And why don't we run into LSH out in the field? I've never had a senior tell me they've been contacted by LSH or have an LSH agent. I bet a lot of experienced agents in this forum haven't either.

So it isn't that we aren't smart enough to look at this-or-that. Its that some in this business have been-there-done-that and recognize a claim that's too good to be true.

And rather than insult those who happen to have a different viewpoint, it will go a long way in one's post to be humble and either admit they may have a point, or simply permit them to have their own opinion.
I am sorry for the first post - as stated I have never posted on here and did not review the post prior to submitting it.

All I can tell any of you out here is that what I am saying is accurate, believe it or not! LSH is not an insurance company, it markets products for compnaies that most would have heard of.

Many have tried to duplicate the call center but #1 it is very costly, literally millions, and very few companies are willing to go to that expense.

I too respect people's rights to have an opinion and I also believe heavily in truth. Also, I didn't realize that using times new roman as a font means you are the same person using that same font - that level of paranoia boggles the mind. All I can do is be candid in trying to dispell some of the misconceptions and absolute falsehoods that have been posted.

For the sake of correctness I will repost what I intended to say the first time. Thank you for your opinion decisionman, I am frankly glad I was not as good at cold calling as you and your collegues, otherwise I would likely not have found LSH. It is a system that works really well for me.
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I have followed this site for some time and I haven’t commented because I just think that most people are smart enough to look at things for themselves and make their own decisions as to whether something is right for them or not. Some of the bashing has finally gotten to me and I just have to share my personal experience with LSH.

I find LSH to be one of the most honest and forthright organizations I have ever had the privilege to be involved with. The support, training, appointments, every aspect has been top notch. They have done everything they said they would do, and more.

All of the rude comments and the lack of truth, knowledge and misunderstanding cannot change what I have seen with my own eyes. I agree with Decisionman on the wash-out rate in insurance, and sales in general but LSH isa legitimate business opportunity for the right people. If you are not one of them, great, don't get involved. I agree with ondemand and Bahamamama, check it out for yourself and make your own decision.

I average 2 -3 appointments a day, occasionally I will get 4 in a day. I average 10 - 14 per week. This is the best sales position I have ever had, with amazing people to help each day. I am well on my way to earning over $100,000 in my first year and that is in no small part due to the appointments.

I have set appointments for myself in a previous position and not only did it eat up a huge amount of my week I flat hated doing it. I tried about every quick way to get leads for myself and spent thousands trying to find that magic solution to finding quality people to meet with. This is the closest thing I have ever found to the perfect solution.

All I can say is that I love what I do, my family has never been happier and this gets so much easier the longer I do it. I guess that could be said about anything I suppose but it certainly is the truth as it applies to LSH. I would not change a thing and no amount of mean spirited, negative and slanderous comments will change that.

Good luck to all who are on here, regardless of what your personal comments or feelings have been, I hope you all are as blessed as I have been in finding the perfect fit for me.:)
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In my mind the whole question of whether or not to work for a company like Lexicon is not nearly as complicated as some are making it out to be. It is like many other 100% commission jobs, some will succeed and some won't. Obviously some people are doing okay with this company, so it is possible. Is it easy, no, but most things in life worth having aren't easy.

Look around at today's society and everyone seems to be asking for a handout. No one seems willing to stick their neck out there and go for their own dreams and try to MAKE them happen versus simply crossing their fingers. Lexicon gives you a platform to work from. What you do with it depends on you.

Good luck either way.
I made over $4000 on just one Lexicon Senior Healthcare appointment yesterday. I am making nearly $20,000 per month. I have been here for 5 months. LSH is the real deal for the right person. Work 4-days hardcore, party hard 3 mass!

I love it here w/ Lexicon! Forget these jokers that are blasting bull crap about us being a scam. WE ROCK!!!!!!!
Oh, that is how it works. If you have something negative to say it is not spam. If you say something positive in any way it is "obvious spam".

This is why I didn't post anything for so long. I knew anything legitimate would be in some way labeled as inaccurate. I am telling the truth, this is not spam and although you are certainly welcome to your opinion it does not make my personal experience spam.

Check it out for yourself - if you don;t like what you see then don't do it; can I say that or is that spam too?

All I can do is say what I know for myself - I love it, it is an amazing system that suits me perfectly. I know that will be called spam but I don't care. The truth is the truth no matter how you slice it.

I am thankful most are smart enough to look at things for themselves and make up their own mind.
Seriously, this is really simple. Lexicon is an actual business making plenty of people plenty of money while helping plenty of clients save money as well. Some people out there would rather work on their own, which is also an option at Lexicon. If you don't like the preset appointment program for whatever reason, there are other options within Lexicon's framework.

The flexibilty is actually tremendous and in my experience all Lexicon is trying to do is succeed. How do they do that? By their agents succeeding...again, not rocket science. For that reason it is ridiculous to think Lexicon would do anything other than try to implement a platform for their agents to do well.

Use common sense, folks. When there are literally more people out there than ever needing the products Lexicon sells the formula to success is to sell as much as possible, in which case everybody wins.
I made over $4000 on just one Lexicon Senior Healthcare appointment yesterday. I am making nearly $20,000 per month. I have been here for 5 months. LSH is the real deal for the right person. Work 4-days hardcore, party hard 3 mass!

I love it here w/ Lexicon! Forget these jokers that are blasting bull crap about us being a scam. WE ROCK!!!!!!!

Yeah, I smell BULLSHIT!!!:D
BTW, what's with the Lexicon? Is this company a dictionary?:nah:
So cynical - I agree with you 100%. Use common sense, make up your own mind. It is not rocket science - just common sense, that dispels so many of the falsehoods on here.