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Door Knocking Today.


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
If you are canvassing or cold door knocking Leads, are you wearing a mask when you knock on the door? What about when you go to the door for present appoint? If you are, do you wear it during the interview? Any take on prospect response?
Nope, I would save it makes you feel confident do it. But i haven’t.
I have friend that says he hasn't had anybody mention it in the last two weeks and only had two that asked him to put one on prior to that. He also calls on small business and the City of Chattanooga does require one in places of business.

I am curious about people's reception if you do show up wearing a mask. Cooler, warmer, no difference?
It appears to be a little bit more prevalent in the urban market. I’ve had some moments of near confrontation selling in the city, but people only brought it up nearly jokingly in the country/rural side.
I carry one in my pocket and if i go in there house i do wear one to protect them as well as myself . But to be honest not one person has asked me to wear one and actually most people seem to be home now .Rebok has a very comfortable nylon behind the ears mask that takes 2 seconds to put on. I ran into someone with severe copd and dialysis this week and i think its very important to wear one to protect them .I try to stay on the porch if it can and i stay 6 feet away . Honestly i find zero inconvenience to do this .
What about when you go to the door for present appoint?

I put my mask on while still in the car. I keep it on while in their home. When I get in the car I take it off.

It has been zero problem. I guess it is mostly a problem if we make it one.

If someone said take it off and we were somewhat close to each other. I would thank them for their time and ask if they would like to do this by mail. Then head to lunch or a beer.
We have to wear them in public. We’ve been under a face mask order so long, I don’t think it seems weird to people at all anymore, even cold-knocking a stranger’s door. (I haven’t done much of that lately, though. Referrals and client reviews are keeping me plenty busy)

I keep the mask on unless the client is having difficulty hearing or understanding me. Then I ask if it’s ok to remove it if I’m distanced well enough. I’ve only done that a couple of times. I’ve had one person ask me to remove it.

I miss some nonverbals when people wear the mask, so that concerns me about what they might be missing from me. But I’ve noticed lately that I have a different voice and presentation when on the phone vs face to face. I tend to be more laid back when in person. On the phone I’m more expressive and exuberant, enunciating more carefully, with greater variety in pitch and intonation. So I’m purposely bringing some of my phone voice technique into face to face situations. I’m also learning to be more physically animated, since facial expression is mostly hidden.

Wearing the mask hasn’t proven to be severely inhibiting. You just have to get used to it, and be more intentional in the way you communicate.