Election Night in America

I just don't understand. You come into this thread with a mouthful of bile and venom spouting 'racist' and 'liberal' with gross spelling errors and dubious grammar sounding like some fat, ugly, long-hair, bearded, Duck Dynasty school dropout with bib-overalls, a Cat-hat, and chewing tobacco... the total stereotype of the rural bigot. (There is one of the NY elitist and I'm probably guilty of that at times... or to most here, all the time!)

And all of a sudden in this posting you morph this into rational, educated, reasonable man without the anger, the bitterness and paranoia. Your spelling and grammar were perfect, the structure of your argument was well thought out, and showed respect for your adversary... in that you did not see him as the enemy, but as merely the competition. In a word you were civil.

After your previous posts you were just another alt-right ultra-conservative insurance agent (thousands of them out there) that I wouldn't care to meet in person. Now you are a gentleman whom I'd have over for dinner (although my wife's cooking would probably poison us both... we are restaurant people... drinks with you at home first, go downstairs, doorman hails cab... dinner is served!)

I have nothing very substantive to argue with you on this post. I differ with you to some degree, but you, in this post, have expressed yourself and your POV as a rational, sane, person with his own POV that is totally valid and... I'll use the word again... rational.

It was a good read.

Maybe you are taking lessons from DHK who disagrees with me on most things, but does it with a degree of civility that makes him eminently likable (something neither Trump nor Hillary are.)

So I have two small requests. First, continue to write/post this way in the future. Second, teach FexQuotes** how to do it too... to express oneself with the same kind of civility that you (in this post) share with DHK.

** In fairness, there was one posting a few weeks ago by FexQuotes that was on par with yours... but he lapsed back into his somewhat morbid self. Perhaps you will escape that kind of lapse.

I don't know these other people you refer to and don't care about your interactions with them. What I do know is that you have an inability to defend your point of view. You also have a handicap which prevents you from getting to the core of issues.....You intellectualize your way through conversations without saying anything. Typical liberal behavior. When you can't win, shout them down. When you can't win, attack them for a totally unrelated issue. Intellectualize, insult, etc., whatever it takes to deflect from truth.

Then you pay false compliment with underlying insults as if that is going to pacify another person. As if any intelligent person wouldn't see it for exactly what it is. Your a shallow person that is trying to create a false narrative of himself. Piss off, your not worthy of my interaction.

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