Errors and Omissions insurance

I need to get Errors and Omissions insurance to sell a Special Needs Program in Medicare Advantage. Anyone have suggestions for reliable and affordable E&O insurance?
I'm interested in the same answer... I need to get something as well, and am curious what is the most affordable out there. Thanks in advance!
If your a member of NAIFA, look at there sponsored program through Aon. If not, consider becoming a member, it's a great organization.
I need to get Errors and Omissions insurance to sell a Special Needs Program in Medicare Advantage. Anyone have suggestions for reliable and affordable E&O insurance?

You do not E&O for a special needs program. You need to it protect your ass in case you get sued.

A professional in this business has coverage. A "wanna-be" does not.

One could argue that having E&O only increases your potential to be sued. Even though one should have it, I couldn't imagine we look to cover the "What If" for our clients but, ignore our own "What If". That just wouldn't seem correct or advantageous on our part.
I must be a wanna-be. Or maybe I just do things honest and ethical.

You are either just lucky or perfect. Nothing to do with honesty or ethics. Everyone can make a mistake and anyone can have an allegation, even unfounded.

For about $500 a year, I look at E&O as my only madatory expense. There is no stock to keep on my shelves, no sales tax, etc.

I would be afraid to render advice to the public without the coverage.

Let me modify my quote: A professional would be foolish to not have the coveage.

Go read an E&O certificate and try to come up with a single example where E&O would actually pay. E&O is the biggest scam in the insurance biz. Yes, I have it - it's required by most of my carriers.