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Federal Reserve Truth

Gee, you guys sure do talk a lot!

DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!
(borrowed from a friend)

http://www.endthefed.us The Federal Reserve Bank, which is about as federal as Federal Express and has no reserves -- must be destroyed. Support H.R. 2755 - call your Congressional Representative -- right now!

H.R. 2755 Sign the petition supporting H.R. 2755. It is easy, doesn't take more than 30 seconds and is one of the most important things you can do to save the American Republic.
I have never seen anything like I have seen in the last 6 months we have essentially overnight gone from being a capitalist nation with winners and losers to a corporate socialist model.

Everyday edicts come from Washington, the latest being the middle class task force to unionize all workers.The reality is that unless we do something to stem the tide the powers that be in this nation will allow us to sink into socialism and then into fascism once the populace wakes up.

This is the way it started in the USSR, the people thought it was socialism until the blessed leader told them how they could live work and play. The vast majority of americans have become sheeple because they are unwilling to take responsibility for their own destiny. Obama is not the statesman I believed him to be, he is allowing the tired rhetoric of the Jared Bernsteins of the world to influence his economic vision and taint it with the misplaced doctrine of fairness.

Wake up... life is not fair. The best man doesnt always win, the nice guy doesnt get the girl and you dont get to play in the NFL based on pure desire. There is no mitigating of this law. In a socialist society everyone is equal but at a very low level and there is no reward for excellence and risk taking. Life is boring, bland and without flavor and suicide becomes a better option to the endless days spent in labor that doesnt fulfill.

Along time ago we ceded our fate to a plan put in place by the money changers. The Fed is a scheme that forces us to borrow our own money at interest; much like a secured credit card issued to poor risks borrowers so they can have a visa logo. The deficit will grow by my estimate by trillions and the fed debt will grow to 15 trillion dollars and we will burden ourselve with excessive taxation and there will be little opportunity beyond what the greens and liberals see as acceptable.

We must do something to stem the tide; the question is what to do and who has the courage?
This is the way it started in the USSR, the people thought it was socialism until the blessed leader told them how they could live work and play.

No it isn't. It started with armed revolution and the killing of the Czar.

Obama is not the statesman I believed him to be, he is allowing the tired rhetoric of the Jared Bernsteins of the world to influence his economic vision and taint it with the misplaced doctrine of fairness.

Nice of you to give him ONE week.

We must do something to stem the tide; the question is what to do and who has the courage?

We did. Republicans are now in the minority.
Wake up... We must do something to stem the tide; the question is what to do and who has the courage?
There are plenty of people awake. What to do and who has the courage? Young people.

I see hope in the younger generation(s). All they've known is this big gov crap we've had for so long. I can hear something like this:

Dude, look what we found! It's called a Constitution! It's awesome dude, some really smart guys wrote this thing based on thousands of years of history and it's like a lean, mean, government machine, severely limited by the people and the several states, of course. Hey! Let's get rid of the bloated national crap we got now from all these brainwashed, brain-twisted embedded radicals, with weird pasts, and IMPLEMENT THIS THING! Whaddaya say? Let's clean house, clean it up, tune it up, so it runs like a well oiled machine, for US, as originally intended, no fluff. LET'S ROLL!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Republicans are now in the minority.
So were the original Patriots. Lots of parallels.
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4 min video here from Glen Beck show... the importance of this whole video, like him or not, conservative or liberal... the graph of money supply and how many TRILLIONS of dollars the Fed Res continues to print and the US Gov't keeps spending. It is a historic graph view of money supply from 1930 thru today... and the startling part of this is how dramatic the growth has been just since Oct 08... in 4 freakin months... Horriific, really.

Glen Beck devaluation of the currency graph
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How did this post go from being about the federal reserve to republican verse democrat ? I think we can all bipartisanly agree the federal reserve system is insane. The idea that the dollars in my pocket are worth what ten guys sitting around a table say theyre worth is ridiculous to me. Exponential debt stabilizes markets ??? This system is doomed to failure and both partys can take as much blame as the other.