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First Speeding Ticket in Texas

Another great option is to get the ticket deferred. You still pay all the court costs, but as long as you do not get another ticket within a couple of months the ticket gets dismissed. Will not show up at all on your record. I am in texas and have done this several times.
What percentage of people take the time to contest the ticket and show up in court compared to those that just send a check. In regards time and money to write the tickets....Well the officer would have been on duty regardless of writing the ticket.

I show up to court when I get tickets. It's never really helped but I have gotten them to lower the cost of the ticket before. I just do it to be a pest.
I show up to court when I get tickets. It's never really helped but I have gotten them to lower the cost of the ticket before. I just do it to be a pest.

I some states you show up for the time on the ticket and its just an arraignment and they set another court date so I am sure many people don't see it worth fighting as they will probably lose.
Insert obligatory LegalShield pitch here.

LOL.. No pitch just an implied way of showing a potential need for the masses. As we all know something's are sold and not bought so people have to see a need for a product or service. People get tickets nationwide everyday.
LOL.. No pitch just an implied way of showing a potential need for the masses. As we all know something's are sold and not bought so people have to see a need for a product or service. People get tickets nationwide everyday.

Someone is crowding in on that niche. There is an app for use in San Francisco. They will help you fight your parking ticket. I believe their fee is like 25% of what you would have spent on the ticket.
Someone is crowding in on that niche. There is an app for use in San Francisco. They will help you fight your parking ticket. I believe their fee is like 25% of what you would have spent on the ticket.

Maybe so but LS has nationwide and some provinces in Canada Law Firms to connect with. Something else to consider with LS the moving traffic benefit is included in the family plan part of the whole plan. So any comparison should be done by looking at the whole plan not just on specific benefit. No to mention LS defense of Accidents. (See plan contract)

Beyond the debates about LS I just think for the money it's a great service. If others don't feel that way then they have that right.

I just want to point out that many times people will come to this board and others asking legal questions about situations and contracts. Why don't they go to an Attorney directly as no one is practicing law (At least that I know of) here?

It's usually one of two things. Not knowing where to go or cost. LS solves both of those problems. As I always say, not all things are for all people.
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