Forum Moderation

I'm pretty new to this forum and so I thought the moderators might like to hear from the perspective of a newbie...

PS. BTW...I do feel welcome here now and have posted quite a few threads and responses at this point and will continue to recommend this site to others. :yes:

that is seo'ed into the site........
Naw ...

I have learned SO MUCH from this forum and will never forget their generosities ... O.K. all you who have taught me email me your addresses ...

Is it ok if I send my PO Box? They are use to the reaction you wish to share.
Don't get too comfortable Melissa. Please see below from Page 4 Paragraph 7 of "Forum Rules."

"Any Forum member that joined during our "transition period" of 11-1-2011 and 1-1-2012 will be accessed a $50 charge when their post count reaches 75. Until paid, their posting privileges will be suspended. This $50 charge is tripled for residents of New Jersey.

Made me look! lol :D
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that is seo'ed into the site........

Not sure what that means but it sounds like a good thing.... (and to you meanies out there, no saying negative things about the fact that I have no idea what he is talking about!:no:)
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95% of the newbies give up in their first year. Those who make it become our competition. You tell me why the oldbies should go out of their way to do all that you mentioned?

We all begged for information when we first started (I sure did - a lot of it). So why should the newbies now enjoy special privilege? The sooner the newbies grow some skins, the better their odd of making will be IMO.

Why do you enjoy being on the forum? Is it to see newbies struggle or to help them out?
I think I'll stick with the 'oldbies' who are willing to help out and stay away from those who think they are better than us because we haven't been in the business as long.

And, BTW, unless you are in NJ, I'm not your competition.
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I believe the forum is getting better. I was getting tired of reading, all the bashing. If you feel the question to dumb, Just don't answer it. Let somone with patience answer it. Just my opinion.
As a newbie, I would not have been offended if someone had responded to my 'stupid' questions in a way that made me feel more welcome in the forum. For example, someone could have shared a link to the thread that discussed in detail the question I was looking to have answered with a side note saying there is a search function in the top right hand corner of the page (just for future reference).

It's all in how you word it...

PS. BTW...I do feel welcome here now and have posted quite a few threads and responses at this point and will continue to recommend this site to others.

Melissa, there are very few female agents on this forum. Some appear in the "introductions" section but they rarely make it past 100 posts. This is a tough business populated by Type A males, and the headbutting can be as fierce as two mountain goats on a rocky hillside. As a female agent who has survived in this business for 30+ years and who stayed on this forum for over a year, I can say there is a place for newbies, Type B personalities and women. We just have to let the remarks roll off our shoulders and take the nuggets of wisdom that are often left behind. This is a great place to research and to find support when you need guidance. Just be sure to give a full hand of rich information when someone else asks for it, and then when you ask for it others will come to your aid. As a woman, I'm offended by some of the foul language and usage of filthy terms like "WT_", but I soon learned who had valuable information and who would leave posts that I should just "scan". I hope you'll find value in the information you mine from this forum, and I'm glad to hear you now feel welcome and have moved past the hazing ritual for newbies.

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