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Good Way to Get LEADS? NEw Agent Needing Help!

I have money to invest in leads but want the best ones out there that I can get the best turn around. Any suggestions? I am willing to pay the money..but what are the best lead sources to insure making my money back? Give me all the suggestions you got!:biggrin:
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Oh by the way I am interested in Final expense and Life leads.

I am partial to EFES for leads for FE. They have done very well by me.

There is also Securus. Some like them and some say they do well by them.

That's about it for the FEmarket except for some regional IMOs that pop up here and there.

The rest would be self generated leads. Doing your own mailers, getting lists and cold calling or cold doorknocking the lists or just picking out a neighborhood and cold doorknocking there until you make it or break it.
Being a new agent, I think its important to get hooked up with an agency that can provide you with the tools you will need to be successful in this industry. I think you have gotten some great suggestions here. As a new agent, knocking on doors and cold calling alone will shorten your own life expectancy. Find someone to take you under their wing, someone who knows what you need to be successful as a new agent. The more poles you have in the water, the better chances of catching a fish. Door knocking, cold calling, mailers, referrals, referrals referrals.
Good luck my friend!
You have gotten some excellent advice, cold calling, door knocking, aged leads and investing time working. Just having money and be willing to spend it isn't necessarily going to make you successful.

Learn to prospect, be willing to work hard at it and you will always have people to sell insurance to.

Bottom line, the good news is that there are really only so many ways to create leads...

... Referrals (always the best, of course)
... Strategic partnerships
... Events
... Cold calling & cold letters
... Leads provided by your office (if that happens)
... Direct mail
... Traditional ads (radio, tv, print, usually WAY too expensive)

I may have missed one, but that's pretty much it. The question is how you proportion your time and resources to any/all of them, and how well you perform what you're doing.


Bottom line, the good news is that there are really only so many ways to create leads...

... Referrals (always the best, of course)
... Strategic partnerships
... Events
... Cold calling & cold letters
... Leads provided by your office (if that happens)
... Direct mail
... Traditional ads (radio, tv, print, usually WAY too expensive)

I may have missed one, but that's pretty much it. The question is how you proportion your time and resources to any/all of them, and how well you perform what you're doing.


Great list! I would also add social media to that as well. Having a good website with a request for contact info in exchange for a money saving newsletter, etc. will generate leads as well. Also, having a presence on facebook, linkedin, twitter could help as well as writing articles and press releases to become known in your niche as being an expert will help over time.

I would also check out Mark Rosenthal's website. He has a lot of great info and ideas for prospecting in your particular niche.

Best of luck!
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Your best bet as a new agent is to try multiple lead sources. As long as you have a consistent approach to working leads, and the ability to track your progress, you'll be able to see which lead sources work best for you. good luck.
I have money to invest in leads but want the best ones out there that I can get the best turn around. Any suggestions? I am willing to pay the money..but what are the best lead sources to insure making my money back? Give me all the suggestions you got!:biggrin:
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Oh by the way I am interested in Final expense and Life leads.

You've received some really good advice so far.

Before you start spending money on leads prepare a budget for your insurance business.

The money for your insurance business needs to be money you have above what you will need for your household expenses.

Do not spend more than you can afford to loose.

Your single best choice at this stage of your career is to buy a list of names and addresses of people 60 -75 years old that have household incomes between $15,000 and $50,000. Get only one name/address per household.

Buy that list from Axciom or a list broker that sells Axciom data. Axciom has far greater accuracy on addresses than any other compiler.

The list should cost you around $100.

Purchase 2,000 names and addresses. You can get an excel file of those. Sort the file by street address and start door knocking. That means walking through the neighborhoods.

Print out the list and take several pages with you as you travel. Make some note on each home visited. There's a lot of reasons to do this, but just do it. You'll get more responses.

If you're dedicated to succeed, by the end of 30 days you will have personally knocked on most if not all of those 2,000 names.

What ever you know about selling final expense now, you will know much more.

You will have spent $100 bucks on a list, less than that on gas.

If you haven't sold at least 10 policies at the end of the 2,000 names, you might want to consider a new market.
Your single best choice at this stage of your career is to buy a list of names and addresses of people 60 -75 years old that have household incomes between $15,000 and $50,000. Get only one name/address per household.

Buy that list from Axciom or a list broker that sells Axciom data. Axciom has far greater accuracy on addresses than any other compiler.

Challenge accepted.

The accuracy on my lists is typically running 95% plus and I constantly get positive feedback about the quality.

What makes you like Axciom so much? Do you resell for them?
Challenge accepted.

The accuracy on my lists is typically running 95% plus and I constantly get positive feedback about the quality.

I usually go through a mailing house and they use their own source for lists.

However, I have used Josh several times for my in-house mailing/marketing. I think he's being a bit pessimistic about 95%. The lists I received were 97-98% accurate.

And his price was lower than any other source.

Pretty good combination - quality and low cost.
