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Help Leaving Symmetry Financial Group SFG!

for the most part the MLM system when used with financial service
You are confusing the bait used with the products sold, that being the pursuit of a false dream which requires the redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top. The bait used is interchangeable between all MLMs. Amway could just as easily sell insurance as Primerica/WFG could sell soap. Their bottom lines wouldn't change a dollar.
You are confusing the bait used with the products sold, that being the pursuit of a false dream which requires the redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top. The bait used is interchangeable between all MLMs. Amway could just as easily sell insurance as Primerica/WFG could sell soap. Their bottom lines wouldn't change a dollar.

No I fully understand the concept. I've had the product doesn't matter conversations.
I got interested in Symmetry a while back, but I discovered there was too much deception and fake "Rah Rah Rah Everybody is getting Rich $$$" going on. They touted their lead program but as soon as I sent in my application they told me that I would not get access to fresh leads until I made some quota working old dead leads. Yea right. Even before I sold anything they were hammering me to sign up more new agents. Symmetry never cared a bit whether I made any money; they acted like it was normal for agents to not make any money, and just kept pushing me to recruit new agents.
A lot of agencies just constantly recruit and lose agents because an average full time agent cannot make a living with their programs. If you are looking for a new agency or IMO, make it clear to them that you must make money before the end of the first month and if they don't like that requirement, keep looking elsewhere.
Probably 9- times out of 10 he could improve the agent’s situation that shows up so I don’t think it’s a bad move. There are a lot of agents caught up in the pyramid recruiting BS that will get much more than their lead cost in knowledge if they knock on my door. And I’m sure Matt’s too. If you are with any decent agency that’s a full lead credit anyway because Matt is too young. Definitely under age 55. That lead was free to you wasn’t it?
If I had a nickel for every competitor agent that has responded to leads through the years I would have a bunch of nickels.
Personally, I think it is a devious and possibly dishonest move. The card says he is interested in receiving info on life insurance and he clearly is not. He knows the agent has to pay for the lead and take the time to call on him that he could be using to call on a true prospect. :sad:
This forum has been an incredible resource in this decision but after nearly a year and a half, I’ve decided that SFG was paying me like garbage and I’m surprised I lasted as long as I have.

For people curious/considering SFG, I’m leaving because even after working to 85% commission, there is little to no margin because 65% net issued rate is standard on business, A leads are $36 Direct Mail, $15 Telemarketing at my commission level and I’m finding that 50% are actually worked by other agents before I get them and the “bonus leads” are actually $7 resold telemarketing leads that are 5+ weeks old and have already been worked! There is nearly ZERO value of an aged telemarketing lead at SFG especially one that’s already been worked. The “mandatory” national conference is in Washington DC and will likely cost you $2k to get to—which nobody has unless you’re at my level or above (put the investment on your credit card is their advice). Trust me coming from someone who is considered a “Top Producer” it’s not a profitable system period. Building isn’t the answer because anyone who knows how to sell insurance won’t contract for 60% buying their own leads.

It has been impossible to get a copy of any of my contracts or documentation from symmetry so I just wanted to see if anyone here has had any issues leaving Symmetry Financial Group outside of some of my carriers being tied up for 6 months? What do I need to be careful not to do? What carriers will let me dual contract?
americo has no time frame all you have to do is re apply.