How are we expected to sell?

HI guys: Robin here. I am still wading my way through contracts and certifications with different carriers.

The regulations and rules regarding HOW we are allowed to sell is freaking me out a bit. Maybe this is just "new Medicare Agent" jitters, but GEEZ, how are we expected to sell anything with all these rules? Permission to Contact, SOAs, can't ask for referrals, can't cold call, must register EVERY event with CMS.

How does anyone ever get anything done?

I see these commercials on TV (and radio) and they seem to break every rule in the book; how do they get away with it?

I'm a die-hard salesperson...I actually love to cold call and as long as I have a decent product, I'm not afraid to get out there and get my hands dirty. But at this point, after having taken what seems like my 23rd test, I'm having misgivings.

Is it me, or is selling MA/MS/PDPs, etc. over-regulated? How do I get in front of clients, and how stringent are these rules about documenting and submitting (to CMS) every single 'event.' This crap about 'educational' events re "marketing events" drove me nuts. For the former, can't sell, can't talk rates, can't show specific plans, can't even hand out business cards? Really?

And all these certifications...I'm on my 3rd carrier, and it just seems these tests, exams, modules, knowledge checks, etc are a lot of busy work. AM I correct I have to re-do all of this every year?

Sigh. I need a boost of assurance. Thanks.
Hi, DS4, yes, I know that the regulations are meant for MA and PDP, but certain carriers have rules about marketing Med Supps too...

Thank you for replying!
Question: In your scenario, I tackle someone in the supermarket (I know this in jest, I'm not nuts) to ask them if they are interested in a Med Supp...but I don't need a PTC or SOA?

I surely hope this isn't a dumb question. My brain is fried at this point. Time to take a break and see if my power is back on (or if the generator needs more fuel...yup, I'm snowed in.)
The SOA is for Medicare Advantage & Part D only. Nothing required for a Medicare supplement.
I'm kinda new to selling health insurance, what is a PTC?
HI guys: Robin here. I am still wading my way through contracts and certifications with different carriers.

The regulations and rules regarding HOW we are allowed to sell is freaking me out a bit. Maybe this is just "new Medicare Agent" jitters, but GEEZ, how are we expected to sell anything with all these rules? Permission to Contact, SOAs, can't ask for referrals, can't cold call, must register EVERY event with CMS.

How does anyone ever get anything done?

I see these commercials on TV (and radio) and they seem to break every rule in the book; how do they get away with it?

I'm a die-hard salesperson...I actually love to cold call and as long as I have a decent product, I'm not afraid to get out there and get my hands dirty. But at this point, after having taken what seems like my 23rd test, I'm having misgivings.

Is it me, or is selling MA/MS/PDPs, etc. over-regulated? How do I get in front of clients, and how stringent are these rules about documenting and submitting (to CMS) every single 'event.' This crap about 'educational' events re "marketing events" drove me nuts. For the former, can't sell, can't talk rates, can't show specific plans, can't even hand out business cards? Really?

And all these certifications...I'm on my 3rd carrier, and it just seems these tests, exams, modules, knowledge checks, etc are a lot of busy work. AM I correct I have to re-do all of this every year?

Sigh. I need a boost of assurance. Thanks.

I think you may be getting a little mixed up. If you are working with individuals you don't have to worry about the event rules. Those events, whether educational or a marketing event, are designed to get in front of a group of people at once.

For individuals you only need to worry about getting an SOA.
Thanks guys; I just needed a little reassurance.
I plan on following all the rules; I’m sure it will become easier with time.

Todd, you are 100% right; I feel mixed up! Thank you for that clarification.

HI guys: Robin here. I am still wading my way through contracts and certifications with different carriers.

The regulations and rules regarding HOW we are allowed to sell is freaking me out a bit. Maybe this is just "new Medicare Agent" jitters, but GEEZ, how are we expected to sell anything with all these rules? Permission to Contact, SOAs, can't ask for referrals, can't cold call, must register EVERY event with CMS.

How does anyone ever get anything done?

I see these commercials on TV (and radio) and they seem to break every rule in the book; how do they get away with it?

I'm a die-hard salesperson...I actually love to cold call and as long as I have a decent product, I'm not afraid to get out there and get my hands dirty. But at this point, after having taken what seems like my 23rd test, I'm having misgivings.

Is it me, or is selling MA/MS/PDPs, etc. over-regulated? How do I get in front of clients, and how stringent are these rules about documenting and submitting (to CMS) every single 'event.' This crap about 'educational' events re "marketing events" drove me nuts. For the former, can't sell, can't talk rates, can't show specific plans, can't even hand out business cards? Really?

And all these certifications...I'm on my 3rd carrier, and it just seems these tests, exams, modules, knowledge checks, etc are a lot of busy work. AM I correct I have to re-do all of this every year?

Sigh. I need a boost of assurance. Thanks.

I hear ya. It's almost like they want you to fail.

Good luck to ya Chic - hope you do well out there . . .