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How Can I Set Qualified Appointments

Jessica Durphy

100+ Post Club
Hello everyone! I am especially new to the whole Insurance business. A wonderful opportunity was offered me and I ran with it. I have now got my license to sell Life/Health insurance. My desire is to do well and work hard. I have a very outgoing personality, and I'm not a "car slaesman" type of person!!! People can judge that in me... I'm honest and upfront with people, I don't try to be something that I'm not!!! WITH THAT BEING SAID:

I have been setting my own appointments, and doing really well! I don't have a problem setting appointments, I'm not scared to talk to them or meet with them... where I'm having my problem is actually getting them to keep their appointments!! This past week, my first week, I had 12 appointments, only 2 were kept and sold! What in the world can I do to make a better ratio???

My "phone presence" is more of a bubbly type of person: "Hi this is Jessica with the Williams Agency... I was looking through your files and found that no one in our office has ever talked to you about your life insurance!! Is there anyone who handles that for you?----- NO!? Well I'd love to sit with you and show you some ideas that I have for you! Would you mind stopping by the office and letting me show you some of them?" 8 out of 10 will say SURE... but never show up! What am I doing wrong?????:err::1confused:

Another thing that I'm running into is the BIGGEST objection around here, and that is "I have insurance through work, not interested in any more or anything else!!" Is there really any right or wrong way to let them know that life insurance from work isn't guaranteed, you lose your job, more than likely you're going to lose your insurance, then you'll have to get insurance based on your age and health at that time.... Just wondering.... Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Their group life insurance will also usually increase with their age....that $300/year premium might not be so pretty in 20 years when it's $7,000/year.

Anyway, you shouldn't be asking people to come to your office. You should be going to them. I can guarantee you'll have more people "show up" for those appointments.
Hello everyone! I am especially new to the whole Insurance business. A wonderful opportunity was offered me and I ran with it. I have now got my license to sell Life/Health insurance. My desire is to do well and work hard. I have a very outgoing personality, and I'm not a "car slaesman" type of person!!! People can judge that in me... I'm honest and upfront with people, I don't try to be something that I'm not!!! WITH THAT BEING SAID:

I have been setting my own appointments, and doing really well! I don't have a problem setting appointments, I'm not scared to talk to them or meet with them... where I'm having my problem is actually getting them to keep their appointments!! This past week, my first week, I had 12 appointments, only 2 were kept and sold! What in the world can I do to make a better ratio???

My "phone presence" is more of a bubbly type of person: "Hi this is Jessica with the Williams Agency... I was looking through your files and found that no one in our office has ever talked to you about your life insurance!! Is there anyone who handles that for you?----- NO!? Well I'd love to sit with you and show you some ideas that I have for you! Would you mind stopping by the office and letting me show you some of them?" 8 out of 10 will say SURE... but never show up! What am I doing wrong?????:err::1confused:

Another thing that I'm running into is the BIGGEST objection around here, and that is "I have insurance through work, not interested in any more or anything else!!" Is there really any right or wrong way to let them know that life insurance from work isn't guaranteed, you lose your job, more than likely you're going to lose your insurance, then you'll have to get insurance based on your age and health at that time.... Just wondering.... Any help will be greatly appreciated!

When you say "they don't show up", you are expecting them to come to you. Have you ever considered going to them or trying to engage them in further conversation and giving them the information over the phone?

You answered your own question about group insurance. Do you both tell them that and then give them examples of what comparable coverage will cost at different ages when they no longer are employed by that company?

Simply telling them isn't going to be nearly as effective as telling them exactly how much it will cost. Do you also explain to them that at that time they may not even be able to take a policy if they have incurred health problems?
Also, stopping asking 'Would you mind...' it is very weak. I had trouble with this too in the beginning. Instead try, 'I want to get together with you and show you..'. Tell them what you want and why, they'll respect you more for it and show up more often. Also, a statistic I was told by a successful NML guy, first year people typically have a 50% kept ratio on appointments. Further, according to Al Granum and their statistics, a 50% close ratio is the norm. Thus, if you want 4 apps in a week, then you should be scheduling 20 appointments.
Comments to all reply's...
Dgoldenz... I ask them who is taking care of their insurance, they say work.... they are happy with it and really no need for further discussion... some have listened to examples others don't want to! The reason being that I've not gone to people's homes YET... is simply because my boss would like to see me more confident and "secure" before letting me go. He's been doing training with me. He's a wonderful boss, I have NO COMPLAINTS at all, he suggested I come on here and get advise from those who have probably been a lot more successful than He. I definietly feel that I will get a lot better response when I get the "go ahead" to meet with them in their homes. Also I'm still waiting on Erie Ins. to license me with their company, Background check.... until then I'm not allowed!

Frank Statsny: NO I've never said anything about the "health issues", normally they just say, "We have our insurance through work!" my response normally is what I mentioned above, about pricing... I'm not sure what they are paying or what is the norm?? (Like I said, I got my license to sell in the State of Pa, just about 3 weeks ago! I'm fresh, new, scared outta my mind about failure! I'm not a quitter, or a person that will give up easily, I just need to know how to overcome a lot of the objections that most of you... well "have been there done that and accomplished!")

VolAgent: Thank you for that advise, maybe that is a big problem of mine. Mr. Williams (my boss) told me that I'm a little "too nice" or "friendly" he told me to be professional to the point, NOT A JERK, but don't waste people's time, be quick about what you're saying and trying to get to! People will respect you and your position more... now people know me up here as a "Sweet Southern Belle" but he would like them to know me as a professional Life/Health insurance agent that is Honest and not going to pull the wool over their eyes. BESIDES I'm working for him, he's established his own agency of 22 years... His reputation is at stake as well as mine. Thank you for your words, I really appreciate it!!
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I'm up here in Smethport, PA, close to Bradford. My Bossman's office is in Bradford. I do most of my work from here at home, but He likes me to do my appointments there at his office. (For now)
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Another piece of advice. Sadly most people are just plain stupid. Most people have a very limited area of expertise, and insurance is not one of the things they understand. That said, most people do not like having their faults or stupidity pointed out. Instead of telling them why their life insurance from work isn't sufficient, get them to tell you it isn't enough. Try to engage them in a conversation, ask questions that will make them think. Get them talking about what they want for their family should they die, what kind of income they want for their family, if they want a college fund for the children, etc.

If you are as friendly and as bubbly as you describe yourself, you should have some success with this part. You just need to find the balance between warm and friendly, and professional and frank. That said, do think about how much time you want to spend educating people. It may be a waste of your time if your boss has a large book of business for you to work. Instead focus on getting quality referrals from the people you do work with. A happy client will gladly give referrals, if asked in the right manner.

I like helping people as well. However, there are way too many people who want and need our help to waste our time with someone who will not even give us a chance to show them how we can help.
I was looking through your files

If someone I did not know called me out of the blue with this line I would want to know what kind of files they have on me and where they got them.

Maybe I overlooked it, but are you calling agency accounts, orphans or just cold calling?

At some point in your career you will be able to get people to come to you, but early on, it won't happen. Try offering to buy them a cup of coffee at or near work. If they work in a building with a cafeteria you can make a day of it hanging out there and seeing people all day long. I have done that before and it works wonders.

Back in my "convention" days I used to get a table at the edge of the lobby bar and never was at a loss for prospects.

I was told early on in my career that I was "too nice" as well and would never make it. Now almost no one accuses me of being too nice, but a buddy (and fellow agent) refers to me as his favorite mensch.
Somarco: Yes, I am calling clients that we currently have at our agency. We may carry their home and auto, but my job is to call them and "solicit" their Health/ Life Insurance. I'm also working on getting new prospects. We live in a very small remote area, doesn't sound like where you live... or the area you are working. But thanks for the ideas! Anything is appreciated!