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How Many Lives Do You Write Per Year? Industry Trends...

Whatever marketplace you are in...you can state the marketplace and how many lives you write/place per year.

I am not looking at compensation, earnings, etc. -- I have to speak to an audience of life insurance professionals and I am looking at some industry statistics (from MDRT, AALU, etc.) and various carriers, and I was just looking to gather some additional perspectives, info, etc.

For me -- I entered this business in the business-owner, estate planning, etc., marketplace. It was that type of firm, so lives were never a big thing, which of course is very contrary to the largest segment/majority of the industry. Even as the firm changed, my practice continued to grow and I stayed in the marketplace I started in. So, while my practice continued to grow, it just did not grow in lives. I never wrote a lot of lives -- the most was 36 in one year, and that involved a multiple-lives case over the course of the year.

How about you? Thanks in advance.
Just curious...how many lives do you write per year? How many do you place? I have a major speaking engagement coming up and I wanted to hear about lives written. Thanks in advance. By the way, for full-disclosure and transparency...I write/place about 25-35 lives per year.

I'll write about 750 life insurance policies this year.
Do you have the same stance towards prospects when they tell you what they want?

Didn't make it clear what I meant.. The conversation was about number of lives written.. The OP was asked what product and he said Life. I was trying to say that even in the Life Insurance field, it would need to broken down into more specific market areas as the number lives written would vary greatly from one market area to the next.

In answer to your question, if the prospect has made up their mind what they want, take the app... :yes: If you feel a different course of action should be taken, you can try to educate them after you have established a business relationship with them,,,
Nice one Wino :) All individual life insurance policies. I average about three written policies a day, five days a week. Little rinky-dink $40 a month type policies

Yeah but if you lose a couple it doesn't hurt near as bad as the guy who writes 30 per year with $10,000-$15,000 in annual premium for each.

What kind of system do you have set up that allows you to talk with enough people to write 15 apps per week?

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