How to convert business from seminars?


Super Genius
Me and a friend started doing medicare seminars a little while ago (we started doing MAPD plan seminars during AEP only). The issue we are having is this is a different sales process now. Before we could call them right after the AEP seminar and get an appointment the next week, and this worked great.

Now with the new style of seminar most of these people are turning 65 within the next 9 months, so there’s no point in setting up an appointment for 6 months away. We have been getting permission to contact forms, and emailing after the event to thank them for coming and letting them know we will reach out closer to their birthday. People seem really receptive and come up to us and tell us how they need our help, etc. However when that time comes 6 whatever months later, many people do not respond at all after calling and leaving voicemails (like they fall off the face of the earth). Many of these people were adamant they needed us to help them, but months later, nothing comes of it.

We convert some of these people, but we are leaving a lot of business on the table. We don't believe it’s our presentation because we get a lot of praise and thanks after the Events. we are likable and trustworthy people so its probably not that either.

For those with experience with this, any ideas on what is going on here and how to solve it? Or is this just what happens with this style of event?
Nothing you can do but call, drip emails , postcards etc . Some of these people have obviously found another agent . If there local maybe door knock them 4 months out and if no answer leave a delivery receipt .
Me and a friend started doing medicare seminars a little while ago (we started doing MAPD plan seminars during AEP only). The issue we are having is this is a different sales process now. Before we could call them right after the AEP seminar and get an appointment the next week, and this worked great.

Now with the new style of seminar most of these people are turning 65 within the next 9 months, so there’s no point in setting up an appointment for 6 months away. We have been getting permission to contact forms, and emailing after the event to thank them for coming and letting them know we will reach out closer to their birthday. People seem really receptive and come up to us and tell us how they need our help, etc. However when that time comes 6 whatever months later, many people do not respond at all after calling and leaving voicemails (like they fall off the face of the earth). Many of these people were adamant they needed us to help them, but months later, nothing comes of it.

We convert some of these people, but we are leaving a lot of business on the table. We don't believe it’s our presentation because we get a lot of praise and thanks after the Events. we are likable and trustworthy people so its probably not that either.

For those with experience with this, any ideas on what is going on here and how to solve it? Or is this just what happens with this style of event?
Working 9 months out is a bit far, but not completely unheard of, but if you're gonna work bdays that far out you should read up on a concept known as Touch 4.
In a nut shell, the idea is to gently touch your customers 4 times before the sale. This way they don't forget about you when the big event comes around.

These customers are whores. They're taking phone calls, looking at other agents websites, and attending multiple seminars everyday. You gotta keep yourself memorable.

Have them attend the seminar, and if their bday is 9 months out, send them a thank you card in the mail the next day. Then do a few other actions over the next few months to keep on top of their mind, but be careful not to be a nag.
I don't agree that working 9 months out is a bit far...

If you want to gain maximum value from your prospects, I like to start early and build the relationship...

They'll ignore all the commercials, mail, and calls they get when they have someone of value early on...

By the time they age in, they're calling you to do the application... not doing all the sales pitch stuff.

Set a phone call early... you did the seminar... have an informational f/u appointment and keep touch.

Yes, it's a longer process, but it's sticky business and so much easier. When they know they can't do anything, they'll be more inclined to listen.
Nothing you can do but call, drip emails , postcards etc . Some of these people have obviously found another agent . If there local maybe door knock them 4 months out and if no answer leave a delivery receipt .

I wish I had their adddress, I only have email, phone numbers.

Email drip might not be a bad option. Ill need to look into it.I just hope they dont get pissed that Im sending them emails.

Any recommendations on what to send in the emails? Like general Medicare info? Or personalized emails to each person?
Working 9 months out is a bit far, but not completely unheard of, but if you're gonna work bdays that far out you should read up on a concept known as Touch 4.
In a nut shell, the idea is to gently touch your customers 4 times before the sale. This way they don't forget about you when the big event comes around.

These customers are whores. They're taking phone calls, looking at other agents websites, and attending multiple seminars everyday. You gotta keep yourself memorable.

Have them attend the seminar, and if their bday is 9 months out, send them a thank you card in the mail the next day. Then do a few other actions over the next few months to keep on top of their mind, but be careful not to be a nag.

Thank you for this concept, I havent heard of it, but it makes sense. Ill look into this. We would send a thank you card, but we dont have everyone’s addresses. Sometimes they’ll put their address on the permission to contact form, sometimes they wont. We could do a email thank you card though.

We usually have to go up to 9 months out because if we dont, we might have 5 people show up at the event, just not enough population. We could also increase the radius around the locations for the seminars but we try and keep it below 15 minutes driving Time.
You want to set the appt as soon as possible. I’ll talk one on one with t65’s 9 months out, no problem.

Oh ok…so if they’re that far out and you make an appointment asap, what do you do? Just get their situation and make another appointment for later?
I don't agree that working 9 months out is a bit far...

If you want to gain maximum value from your prospects, I like to start early and build the relationship...

They'll ignore all the commercials, mail, and calls they get when they have someone of value early on...

By the time they age in, they're calling you to do the application... not doing all the sales pitch stuff.

Set a phone call early... you did the seminar... have an informational f/u appointment and keep touch.

Yes, it's a longer process, but it's sticky business and so much easier. When they know they can't do anything, they'll be more inclined to listen.

I like the idea of the early appointment/phone call Instead of waiting months before making an appointment. Would this be a good time to get some basic information from them and their situation, maybe generally explain what it looks like for them when it is time to enroll? Then do a full appointment 3 months from their bday (if they are actually retiring at that point)?
Would this be a good time to get some basic information from them and their situation, maybe generally explain what it looks like for them when it is time to enroll?
Yes indeedy. Get their doctors and Rx. Figure out if they're leaning Supp or MAPD. Pre-sell the plan now and then 3-months out write it. Give them a business card magnet. Warn them about all of the phone calls and BRC mail they will get blown up with over the next X number of months.

You want them to feel, as absolutely early as possible, that they have a 'guy' and don't need to pay much attention to all of the incoming noise.

I wish I had their adddress, I only have email, phone numbers.
Are you having them fill out a PTC form at your workshop? Make sure you have Address:_____________________________ on it.

Also, can come in pretty handy.