Maybe its time to leave the Medicare Business


1000 Post Club
Seems like a lot of y'all are frustrated with what is going on in the MAPD and PDP market. Instead of getting "screwed" by FMOs and raked over the coals by CMS, sell me your book of business. This way you can spend the rest of your days counting your dollars and make fun of the rest of us on the internet for being foolish enough to stay in the insurance business.

This is a serious offer. If you have had enough, send me a PM. Lets talk. I am licensed in 2 states, getting appointed with more carriers or licensed in other states is not an issue.
I'm 66 and have thought about it. Just feels wrong to say screw all the customers that need help.
Humans love to be the first. They want to be in "the know."
It's better to say that the sky is falling soon, and each year when it doesn't come, they can say, "well it will happen soon."

If it does happen at some point they get to say I told you so. It's a win win for those people who have nothing else going on in their lives.
Seems like a lot of y'all are frustrated with what is going on in the MAPD and PDP market. Instead of getting "screwed" by FMOs and raked over the coals by CMS, sell me your book of business. This way you can spend the rest of your days counting your dollars and make fun of the rest of us on the internet for being foolish enough to stay in the insurance business.

This is a serious offer. If you have had enough, send me a PM. Lets talk. I am licensed in 2 states, getting appointed with more carriers or licensed in other states is not an issue.
So you want to buy my Wellcare book of business? Hmmm..... interesting opportunity....
with a book of that size integrity could not even buy it, unless they partnered with bezos
They didn't pay that much but it was a whole lot more than I think the agent community understands.

At some points they were paying 12x EBITDA on medium sized targets. Then again, these business models are a hustle. You have to be a total *** to F it up once you've got enough downlines to keep the lights on. Just collect tolls. I'll call it a hustle, not a racket.

Zero fed funds rate is a hell of a drug.