"I have it through my husbands job"

I totally agree,that's why I don't use that script but the point is a lot of these so-called professionals are doing precisely that.
Here's another script straight out of the "witch's brew"(UA)

This is(your name) with Farm and Ranch Healthcare. We sent you a letter and I'm calling to apologize for not getting with you sooner. I'm going to be in the area tomorrow visiting with some other folks and wanted to stop by,get you the updated information and make a bid on your health insurance. would _________(time) or ________(time) work better for you?

If they give you an excuse and you feel them slipping away immed. do the following w/o pausing.

(1) who do you have your health insurance with? what company? Do you have any?

(2)Many of our competitors have had some very large rate increases. Our rates have been very stable.

(3)I would like to come by and do a comparison to your present coverage. If I'm there more than 20 minutes, it will be because you want me t

The objections covered goes on and on, I have modified it a bit for my senior sales but I still can't be that brash or that dishonest(sent you something in mail part)

Anyway what do you guys think? Please remember don't shoot the messenger!!:cool:
I've heard some sales manager tell their agents to tell the prospect that they had sent them something in the mail when they never did nor did they intend to. In my book, this dishonest.:mad:
I totally agree but this just shows you what some of these so called ethical companies are teaching their agents,especially the new ones who may not know any other system. You know that ol saying:A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link
I've heard some sales manager tell their agents to tell the prospect that they had sent them something in the mail when they never did nor did they intend to. In my book, this dishonest.:mad:

True. One of the methods I heard was "I'm following up on some information we sent you a few weeks ago."

More nasty is "I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to your request for health insurance sooner..."

I run into this sometimes and approach as an, "oh yeah."

Client: His company pays for our whole family

J.R. Oh yeah.....Your husband/wife must be working for one of the top 1% of companies that actually take care of it's employees by paying for all of the health coverage? What does he do for a living?

Client: Yeah, it really is nice, he works for XYZ Company.

J.R. If his company normally pays for all of the health insurance perhaps I should see if they are hiring. All of my clients are small business owners like yourself, and about 25% of them believe that there spouses company pays for everything. Unfortunately, in most of the cases this is not true because the company deducts the cost of health insurance from their employees paycheck and often times this gets garbled up with the rest of tax deductions, IRA contributions and such.

NOTE: The client's next response will be either a "oh really" or that is not the case." In the latter case, thank them for their time because it's either is true (rare) or they have no interest. If you get oh really, just continue your pitch...

J.R. Sometimes it is best to stay where you are, but I never leave anything to doubt if there is a way to help out a client. Do you want to find out if If I can save you money on your health insurance and provide a comprehensive insurance plan?"

"Ok, I am going to need to speak with your wife/husband then about the plan with their company to see if there is a way to help you out. Most of the time people do not know what they are paying for health insurance through their spouse and often times I can save clients money and provide a plan that does not have as many of the limitations of a group plan. "What is a good number to reach your wife/husband at?: yadda, yadda, yadda.

Just move to the next person on the list-you are wasting your time and there are prospects out there who won't give you that.
Quite true, but that comes down to your your gut feeling. I am willing to take the 2-4 minutes sometimes.