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Impeach Him NOW!

FEX Quotes

1000 Post Club
I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!

1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans, and refer to the Senate for trial.

2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.

3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and question ANYONE THEY WANT.. That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided.

So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazile, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing cover up activities.

A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison.

All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.

4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office.

They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed -- and **everything** will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros.

After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent almost three years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people.

And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.

So let's move on to impeachment.
I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!

1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans, and refer to the Senate for trial.

It's not can, it's WILL. They have gone too far, they have said too much, they cannot retreat. My analysis here:

2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.

Have to disagree. Mitt Romney for certain, will vote to convict. My analysis here:

3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and question ANYONE THEY WANT.. That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided.

NOT true. During the Clinton trial the Senate moved and passed a resolution to NOT call witnesses at that trial. 5 Republicans voted with the Democrats to pass that. Made me angrier than a hornet, I am still angry about it. One of the 5, and the only survivor, is Susan Collins. She's another Republican vote for conviction. Lots of RINO's.

4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office.

I agree with this. Of course in the Jeff Flake story I talk about on facebook, he assures everyone that if it was a secret vote, 35 Republican would vote to convict.

They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed -- and **everything** will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros.

Not sure what they will allow. But one thing is quite certain, any Republican who votes to convict Trump will have a big, fat, giant target painted on their back. Flake decided to retire from the Senate after he was being challenged in his primary by a person who was out polling him.

After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent almost three years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people.

I agree with this. The "swamp" is out of control, no one will be able to hide, and the Presidential election will be a referendum on whether you want to roll back the gains made under Trump, or get rid of the Democrats who have done NOTHING in the past 2 years except try to impeach him.

And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged. So let's move on to impeachment.

The sooner the better.
Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent almost three years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people.

Those are the only things that would make minorities vote for Trump? Two of which are not a minority problem but a majority problem. Go back to sleep son. You live in a bubble.
I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I respond better to properly articulated posts, sans condescension.

I mean, he's right. Why "black murders?" Why single out race when the real crux of the issue is a deeply ingrained gang culture and a long history of organized crime in Chicago? Your original post reads like prattle. It's a reflection of our own president's reaction to his possible impeachment. Look how he's reacting to the press right now, calling them an enemy of the people. Sounds uncannily dictatorial. Again, I ask...do you people garner information from sources other than Fox News?
Why "black murders?" Why single out race when the real crux of the issue is a deeply ingrained gang culture and a long history of organized crime in Chicago?

Because unfortunately it's blacks that are disproportionately being murdered every week in Chicago.

Your original post reads like prattle. It's a reflection of our own president's reaction to his possible impeachment. Look how he's reacting to the press right now, calling them an enemy of the people.

Sadly, Trump is 100% correct on this matter. The mainstream press has been extremely biased in their reporting on this administration. The fact that you don't recognize it is quite telling.

Again, I ask...do you people garner information from sources other than Fox News?

Town Hall
National Review
American Thinker
Gateway Pundit
Sadly, Trump is 100% correct on this matter. The mainstream press has been extremely biased in their reporting on this administration. The fact that you don't recognize it is quite telling.

Being 100% correct on most matters if what offends Democrats so much. They had such a great game going, telling their fairy tales and running their scams pretending to be the best solution to peoples' problems, and then along comes Trump. The more successful he is at solving peoples' problems, the more the Democrats hate him and make up outrageous stories to distract people from his accomplishments.
Being 100% correct on most matters if what offends Democrats so much. They had such a great game going, telling their fairy tales and running their scams pretending to be the best solution to peoples' problems, and then along comes Trump. The more successful he is at solving peoples' problems, the more the Democrats hate him and make up outrageous stories to distract people from his accomplishments.

As if both sides aren't making absurd exaggerations and fabricating stories? Do you people not understand that political issues can be separated from the childish oversimplification of good vs. evil, republicans vs. democrats, or "Killary" vs. "Drumpf." What problems has Trump solved? Is unemployment fixed because there are more grossly underpaid jobs out there? Is this any different than what previous presidents have done during recovering economies? Is Trump's trade war helping your business? Are the criminal investigations against the guy completely schemed by the "other side" to disingenuously discredit him or could they, maybe just slightly, be rooted in fact or probable cause? Did any of you read the Mueller report in its entirety? Do you know what the Internet Research Association is? Can you not separate your mouth-breathing Boomer view of this side vs. that side and really look at how things are going?
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Because unfortunately it's blacks that are disproportionately being murdered every week in Chicago.

Sadly, Trump is 100% correct on this matter. The mainstream press has been extremely biased in their reporting on this administration. The fact that you don't recognize it is quite telling.

Town Hall
National Review
American Thinker
Gateway Pundit

Got it. So purely mainstream media...who is in your interpretation biased in their reporting of this administration? No mention of history, philosophy, literature, sociology, psychology, science? No real primary sources of information or research?
As if both sides aren't making absurd exaggerations and fabricating stories? Do you people not understand that political issues can be separated from the childish oversimplification of good vs. evil, republicans vs. democrats, or "Killary" vs. "Drumpf." What problems has Trump solved? Is unemployment fixed because there are more grossly underpaid jobs out there? Is this any different than what previous presidents have done during recovering economies? Is Trump's trade war helping your business? Are the criminal investigations against the guy completely schemed by the "other side" to disingenuously discredit him or could they, maybe just slightly, be rooted in fact or probable cause? Did any of you read the Mueller report in its entirety? Do you know what the Internet Research Association is? Can you not separate your mouth-breathing Boomer view of this side vs. that side and really look at how things are going?

This has the odor of anarchy about it.