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Impeach Him NOW!

When I see a person that writes like a boomer, has a myopic and narrow worldview like an ignorant boomer and continues to create baseless off topic posts in an insurance forum like a boomer, well I'd call that person a baby boomer. Sick boomer humor, bro.
I’ve just read through this thread. I was interested in what you had to say right up until you started using “boomer” as an insult. I must congratulate you, though, for coming up with an ad hominem attack that I haven’t heard before! Unfortunately, you were less creative with the earlier guilt by association technique:
I ...do you people garner information from sources other than Fox News?
Yeah, that one’s getting worn out. Don’t be boring!
I’ve just read through this thread. I was interested in what you had to say right up until you started using “boomer” as an insult. I must congratulate you, though, for coming up with an ad hominem attack that I haven’t heard before! Unfortunately, you were less creative with the earlier guilt by association technique:

Yeah, that one’s getting worn out. Don’t be boring!

Ok, Boomer.
I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary. I thought about Jill Stein because I couldn't stand anyone else.. She's a doctor, so I said why not. Jewish also, I said let's try that. She's a woman, I figured we could give that a try. She was green party, and I thought that might be good. I'm honestly an independent, but the independent runner, Johnson, was an ***. I voted for Stein, because I wanted her to win. I knew she had almost no chance, but I wanted her to win, so I voted for her. Idealistic, I know, but I stand by it.

Trump got elected. I don't like him, and I didn't vote for him. He's my president now. For the most part if he succeeds, my country succeeds. If he fails, it hurts the country. So, I support him. Again, call my idealistic, or even naive, but I stand by that too.
I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary. I thought about Jill Stein because I couldn't stand anyone else.. She's a doctor, so I said why not. Jewish also, I said let's try that. She's a woman, I figured we could give that a try. She was green party, and I thought that might be good. I'm honestly an independent, but the independent runner, Johnson, was an ***. I voted for Stein, because I wanted her to win. I knew she had almost no chance, but I wanted her to win, so I voted for her. Idealistic, I know, but I stand by it.

Trump got elected. I don't like him, and I didn't vote for him. He's my president now. For the most part if he succeeds, my country succeeds. If he fails, it hurts the country. So, I support him. Again, call my idealistic, or even naive, but I stand by that too.

Yeah, that's pretty naive. You can support your country without supporting your president. In fact, those who value the sanctity of our democracy and those who still support Donald Trump should be mutually exclusive groups. The folks who claim to stand by the principles this country was founded on and the Trump presidency are either painfully partisan to the point where they would elect a gorilla if it was the only living being running against a democrat...or they just haven't been paying much attention. Let's look at some recent news, people. Can you imagine if a democrat was convicted of charity fraud? You'd be foaming at the mouth, sharpening the points on your pitchforks. But since it was Trump...*shrug*
Yeah, that's pretty naive. You can support your country without supporting your president. In fact, those who value the sanctity of our democracy and those who still support Donald Trump should be mutually exclusive groups. The folks who claim to stand by the principles this country was founded on and the Trump presidency are either painfully partisan to the point where they would elect a gorilla if it was the only living being running against a democrat...or they just haven't been paying much attention. Let's look at some recent news, people. Can you imagine if a democrat was convicted of charity fraud? You'd be foaming at the mouth, sharpening the points on your pitchforks. But since it was Trump...*shrug*
Just for the record - I’m no Trump fanboy. I didn’t vote FOR Trump. I voted AGAINST Clinton! But it’s funny you should bring up charity fraud! LOL!