Insurance agent Software

There is a way to quickly and easily back up all your data in YIO. In fact, I strongly recommend that agents do that at least once a week at a bare minium. If I'm doing a lot od data entry on a given day I will backup the data at the end of the day.

Once you have all your data on a CD all you have to do is install the program again and then drag and drop your data back in the program.

When you have your hard drive reconfigured simply reinstall YIO, give me a call for a new unlock code and put your data back in the program.

You don't have to repurchase YIO each time you reconfigure your hard drive. Load the "Demo", get the unlock code and you are "good to go".

I hope that answers your questions, if not, give me a call.
Frank Stastny said:

I will do my best to be as objective as possible. To eliminate any confusion and to make sure the following information is correct I have copied and pasted some information from their website. The pasted info is in red.

Base price for AE: Agent Partner $495, Base Support Fee $150 / Year (NOTE: Agent Partner is their least expensive version. They say that for the first 6 months support is free.)

Palm Pilot Synchronization Module $95/user + Additional $10/user/yr. Support Fee

MS Outlook Synchronization: $295 + Additional $50/yr. Support Fee

Purchasing Agent Partner and adding the modules for Palm Pilot and Outlook brings the price to $885.00 not counting the additional cost for support.

To get a full-working demo: My signature below authorizes GBS, Inc. to charge my credit card in the amount of $100 for the AGENCY EXPERT for Windows Â"full working demonstration system.Â" I understand that this fee is NON-REFUNDABLE under ANY circumstances. I also understand that this $100 fee will be applied towards my purchase of AGENCY EXPERT if/when I wish to finalize said purchase.

The following is copied and pasted from their "Software/Service Order Form" page and is a partial list of their "Pricing Worksheet" on that page.

Telephone Training Non-Refundable $100 per hour; Conversion/Data Importing Non-Refundable $65 per hour;
Pay Per Call Support Non-Refundable $100 (per instance)

Your Insurance Office v4.0

The base price, which is the one and only price, for the single user version of YIO is normally $286.00. On Monday it is $199.00.

You can put the single user version of YIO on a total of two computers at no additional cost. (This is only for an agent who wants YIO on both his laptop and PC. Not for two agents to use.)

Technical Support and any training needed is unlimited and toll-free for as long as you are using YIO. As in forever.

YIO will sync specific data from both the Client and Prospect databases to any PDA, not just Palm Pilots. No additional charge for support.

Outlook synchronization is built into YIO and as easy as clicking a button on the Main Menu. There is no extra charge for support.

There is a FREE, FULL-WORKING DEMO of YIO on my website. It is the actual program you will use if you purchase YIO.

Those are just a few of the many differences. I have never actually used their program and have never paid the $100.00 to view their Demo. My best advice would be go to their website, and look around. Then go to mine.

I'm confident that once you look at both websites you will instantly see which of the two is going to be the easiest and quickest to use, provide you with the information you really need and which one is going to be your best long-term investment.

In almost all cases we will import data from other programs for a flat fee of $99.00, regardless of how much data you have.

I hope this helps.

Thanks Frank. I already own AE. Have for several years. I like many things about it and dislike some things about it. I guess my best bet is to download your software and see how I like it and make a decision.

If I understand his question correctly, I believe he is talking about totally wiping his hard drive clean. Clearing everything off of his hard drive so there is nothing on it.


Making a decision as to which insurance software program to purchase is difficult. One of the key factors in making that decision should be the agents level of knowledge in working with computers.

Although I have never used AE I have talked to several agents who claim they have. The one comment they have all made is that YIO is much easier to learn to use. You would be a better one to comment on that than me.

It really doesn't do any good for a program to have tons of features if the agent can't figure out how to use them or if they are things that sound good, but ones the agent will never use or need.

My only instructions to the two guys who program for me is that when we make any changes or additions to YIO, that they literally be "point and click". I can only afford to provide unlimited, toll-free phone support because if I get two or three phone calls a month I have received a lot of calls for support. YIO is that easy to use.

YIO has been upgraded four times. The only reason I have upgraded the program is because agents using the current version have told me that they need more features and functions. I can truly say that it is a program designed by insurance agents for insurance agents.

Does it have every feature that one could possibly think of? No. Does it have those things that successful, producing agents have said they need to be even more successful? Yes.

I provided the web address to Agency Expert to help each agent make an intelligent, well informed decision before spending their hard earned money.

Please let me know if you have any specific questions about YIO. I always recommend to agents using YIO for the first time that they take a couple of minutes to review the User Guide. There are a lot of features and functions that a new user won't be aware of unless he/she looks at the User Guide.
I have been test-driving Frank's software for a couple of weeks now, and am indeed making a call to purchase on Monday. Of everything I've been messing with, this is (for me) indeed the best and most intuitive contact management software package out there.

Thanks for the Forum Discount, Frank!


:shock: Are you serious? I have been using computers for over 20 years and re-formatting a hard drive is TRAUMATIC! as in CATASTROPHIC!! :x
I am sure you are referring to DEFRAGMENTING. This is most often ignored and should be done at least monthly, NOT annually. I usually delete useless files, especially .TEMP files first, because defragmenting is time consuming. I do this at night before bedtime, and let it run over night (I have large disks).

To REFORMAT a hard drive requires re-partitioning and re-installing the operating system, then re-installing all your programs. This can take all day or longer, depending on how many programs you want to re-install. It also requires install codes from the manufacturers, and you may find you are in violation of EULAs if you don't get their permission, especially in this day of DRM. If you are diligent and keep all your install codes from your original installation CD, you are only at first base. You then will have to update your operating system and all programs to the most recent upgrade version because your install CDs will be the original, and not the latest version.
Yep, reformatting is what I was talking about. I defragment about every two weeks.

I really haven't found it to be either traumatic or catastrophic. The guys who program for me do it and suggested I do the same.

The tech who reformats for me, it is his day job, updates XP and checks my computers to see that everything is in good condition. It takes a few hours for me to reinstall everything and I'm good to go. I wouldn't want to do it every month but once a year is no big deal.

I own all the programs I use and have all the installation codes. I've been doing this for fifteen years. If Eula wants to yell at me she will have to stand in line behind my wife. :lol: :lol: (Feeble attempt at humor.)

It also keeps my computers squeaky clean and running smooth, something that is very important to me especially on the computers I use to test my program.

Do I need to do it? I don't know. Does it make me feel better when I do? Yep, sure does.
Too bad YIO office won't run native on the (Intel) Mac. My bet is that it would run fairly well using the Parallels 'virtual manager' but unless you have 2 GB of RAM on your Mac, running both OS X and Windows at same time makes the machine a slug.

Anyway, does many of the same things YIO does... and it's free. Plus you can access your data anywhere in the world.

One of these days I'm going to re-vamp our Jaya123 ( ) web-service for use with insurance agents. It would work now, but even I wouldn't use it for insurance... (and I wrote it!!)


Reformatting my computer has usually been a very painfree experience, although it can sometimes take a few hours to get all my personal software back up and running (as well as do the windows updates). I have a very fast computer though. It's pretty easy to do yourself to, but that's neither here nor there.

Frank, you've been more than fair with your responses and your answers to my questions. It seems like a solid program with solid customer support/service. I'm gonna take your software for a test-drive and then I'll probably make the purchase on Monday.

Oh & I do (as does Frank) know the difference between reformatting and defragmenting lol. That's actually a very funny comperison. One is pushing a button & the other requires wiping your hard drive & starting over. Neither is too difficult though lol. :wink: