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Insurance Office of America Heath Ritenour States "I'm Not An Overly Religious Guy....."

IOA me

Heath Ritenour: The Roadmap of a CEO

Heath Ritenour www.HeathRitenour.com

The C.E.O. of Insurance Office of America has his own website www,HeathRitenour.com where he professes his faith in god, prayer and being an "Elder" at his place of worship Grace Church of Orlando has helped in overcome many of his challenges.

Heath Ritenour goes on to state, "During times of uncertainty, many search for inspiration and encouragement. For Heath Ritenour, the social distancing of the COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to take a step back from his daily routine, reflect on his life and career, and refocus on what’s important—family and faith."

He goes on to state: A Deepened Faith

Heath understood that not only did he need to grow in his relationships with his family and coworkers, but he would also need to grow in his faith with God. He came to the realization that, although he may have had his life planned out, he was not in control.

“It’s just me and God. I have no control over anything, and I was angry about that because I felt like I was not who I used to be. And then it dawned on me. I never had control to begin with.”

"The sadness and anger he felt were washed away and replaced by gratitude for the experiences he’s had and the many blessings he still gets to enjoy."

“When you are threatened with not being able to do anything, it is no longer ‘what you’ve GOT to do’, it’s ‘what you GET to do.’”

"Heath has since recounted his powerful journey in a video for Grace Church Orlando, his home of worship where he serves as an Elder."

He also claims he is a : Renewed Man

"Through his own perseverance, an emboldened faith in God, and the love of his family and support of his parents, Heath was able to embrace and overcome one of life’s most difficult obstacles and come out the other side a stronger and healthier man.”

But then recently, this past February 8th 2021, Heath Ritenour did a sit down interview with Marc Berman Heath Ritenour Interview where he states, "There were a few more times the topic came up. Prior to his retirement party, John Ritenour made one last aside to Heath. “I would never ask you to take on a job you don’t feel led to do,” Heath’s dad said. He just asked him to go home and pray about it."

"He then ends the interview by contradicting everything he has said in the past by stating, "“I’m not an overly religious guy,” says Heath. Nonetheless, he went home and prayed. He listed off all the reasons he wasn’t right for the job."
For anyone actually using this site for conversation about the insurance industry, it's clear to see that the IOA Me account was created solely for the purpose of spamming the site with defamatory content about IOA. The user's only interactions on this site are negative posts about this company, which the user regularly continues to post, despite being refuted by other members of the community. However, the user is not open to conversing about any topics that he/she posts about, and remains interested only in slandering IOA through posting and spreading harmful allegations that have no merit.

Clearly, this is a faux account created specifically for this malicious purpose, which cheapens the entire conversation/purpose of insurance-forums.com.