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Is It Worth It for an Independent Agent to Obtain an MBA?

what does MBA have to do with insurance?

If you want some letters behind your name, get the ones that matter with insurance,
If you are in sales, you don't need any letters after your name.
I have "IV" at the end of my name because I'm the 4th.
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"Amateur gynecologist" comes to mind...

Given that I generally work with Medicare clients that's pretty much the last thing I need to think about.

Of course, I'm not as old as you.

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If you are in sales, you don't need any letters after your name.
I have "IV" at the end of my name because in the 4th.

Thought it was because you're so old you use roman numerals.

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Yes, yes... get your MBA online while you work. You may need it later on when you decide to stop selling and go into management. Or change careers.
The other aspect of this is think about where you are applying. Right now the online type universities are the biggest scam in the college loan business.

They talk about the next bubble bursting it will be student loans. With online universities the grad rate is about 8% the default rate about 60% and student loans are not protected by bankruptcies.

Think this one through really hard. You could be setting yourself up for financial disaster.
Nonsense. Where did he get his statistics. And do they apply to reputable and well known Universities. My brother has written courses and sold MBAs for the biggest and best known online company for over 10 years. He has his own MBA from a major college for over 20 years, not online. Look at their stock performance, which is a record of their success, not failure or scams as posted above. If you are working and paying your way there is no risk, no loans, but the reward of having a well known MBA after your name on a resume is well worth whatever the cost and sacrifice now. Many high schools and most all colleges now have online courses. Easy, no! but it works if you work it. Good luck.
Never mess around with any of those for-profit online universities. Any traditional brick and mortar college will offer a wide variety of online classes for you to take and have their full accreditation. To answer your original question, I doubt an MBA will be worth your while.
Most MBAs know less about life insurance than high school dropouts. So, I'm pretty happy that business degrees aren't required.

I'd go so far as to say business schools are helping to ruin America.
I saw a license plate recently on a BMW " 1mormba". ..Years ago, 20+, Pru thought it was a great idea to recruit lawyers and accountants...those guys sold nothing...You have to want to do this and need to do this...It's a hard scrabble life....