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Is It Worth It for an Independent Agent to Obtain an MBA?

The only letters an insurance agent needs are, EFT.

Haha I like it.

So this thread blew up, thanks for all the opinions, I agree with the majority of you I think, MBA won't help with my current job, however if something happens down the road (I'm 27 so there's a lot of time for "something" to happen) it would be nice to have a couple degrees to have in my back pocket. For right now, I'll focus on cross-selling autos for my mono-line homes and only concern myself with the task at hand. Thanks again everybody.
Haha I like it.

So this thread blew up, thanks for all the opinions, I agree with the majority of you I think, MBA won't help with my current job, however if something happens down the road (I'm 27 so there's a lot of time for "something" to happen) it would be nice to have a couple degrees to have in my back pocket. For right now, I'll focus on cross-selling autos for my mono-line homes and only concern myself with the task at hand. Thanks again everybody.

Atta boy kid (no offense, you're younger than LeBron James ;))

Anyway at your age 'picking up' a MBA as a 'hobby' degree is a cool thing to do....
you can leisurely finish a program in 2 years...
What the hell else constructive would you be doing with your FREE time anyway, playing grab azz with your friends?

Everything in perspective, I say why not 'learn' something....you can always use what you learn in 'some' capacity.
As long as you go about it with the attitude of 'I just want it for self fulfillment and my "back pocket" ...I'm all over it'.

Some people sky dive others bowl getting a MBA as a hobby can't be argued as a BAD thing....
Even if you dick around and take 5 years to complete it, so what you'll be 32 and now you know you don't NEED it and it won't MAKE you.

So you can relax and 'pick it' up if you WANT it...

Good Luck and much respect, kid:1smile:
I have a BS degree in Business and MS degree in marketing communications from FSU and I ended up selling Insurance.If someone had told me i would be an insurance salesmen while i was schooling I would have said your crazy.I am not sorry I did it though i wouldn't trade all the partying, football game days, hottie co ed etc. experience for anything in the world!!!

But the question now is, how much debt are you in for some meaningless pieces of paper that really have no relevenance to your business? You have all that, I have an AA Degree and not in debt.....whats the difference?
But the question now is, how much debt are you in for some meaningless pieces of paper that really have no relevenance to your business? You have all that, I have an AA Degree and not in debt.....whats the difference?

Wow believe it or not I AGREE with you RBA...if a person is going to put themselves in 'major debt' and has no family support or very 'scarce' means BUT....

If one can AFFORD it college is a great 'rite of passage'...
which you're correct may or may not have any direct relevance to WHATEVER business one gets into after school....however the 'growth' that happens between 18-24 can be invaluable in 'building' the grown up human beings...we are to become.

I advise young folks, that many of them would be better off screwing around in the service until their READY to hit the ground running cause it beats hanging around working 'busy-work' jobs and possibly getting 'fertile' Myrtle 'knocked up'

As I understand @yogoogle's point..it was that the experience of college was worth doing it ....
not as an investment like a "trade school" the way your looking at it.

I'm with you if a person is getting a degree, just to qualify for WORK but a young person's time @college or in the service is MORE than just picking up a trade it's also about 'allowing' a young person to sprout their wings in a somewhat controlled environment to learn life skills....like 'summer camp' with cognitive thinking and booze n' babes:biggrin:

In all fairness, when my Son turns 18 next year...he'll get a license but I still want him to experience either college or the service
(Go Marines) as a stepping stone of LIFE.

Now if a kid has less options, of course they have to miss some of life's great adventures and still make a life of it...
No biggie but when given all the available options.

I say Carpe Diem...seize the day (while you're young)
"taste all the wine", stay in all the hotels, kiss as many girls as you can....it's a richer life, if you have OPTIONS.

*If not, (RBA is right) do the dirt minimum and get to work:err:

It's like experiencing a fine vineyard, of course you can get drunk at your local "reagle beagle" if you have to but if given the opportunity to tour a fine winery you take it.
Required=NO...Great life experience to have = w/o question,Yes

Have a baby in a well equipped hospital, of course, is it required =NO.....
Will the kid mostly live a normal, fine life if born in a NY cab=Sure

All things being equal would you want your kid delivered in the Taxi vs the maternity ward...that's college life at the University vs an AA at the local CC
(Trust me, I've been to both settings...nothing wrong with the CC but one is Mickey D's and the other the nicer restaurant)
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