Is this Really a CMS Violation?

CMS doesn't care that you're human. They would love to get rid of agents in all markets. CMS runs the Federal Exchange and it's very clear that they want the agent out of the process. -

They only needed us to get people enrolled during this first & 2nd Obamacare enrollment since they made such a mess of things.

Next year, the enrollment will be at the same time as Medicare, so . . .some of us may have to choose which market to service. For me it will be Medicare, but always expect that if the government is making the compliance rules, they will not favor the agent.

I'm choosing the marketplace and dumping Medicare I think. My goal is to do retail and have a sign on the table that says ACA and Medigap plans sold here. Screw spending least 2 weeks per year...doing the AHIP medicare course and all of the MAPD and PDP certs. Just cherry pick and get the Medigap when its there to pick. :biggrin:
I can see why agents would run from the MA/Part D market, but I can say that most of the hype around compliance is just that.

Sure, we as agents will make mistakes, and when we make them we have to complete a "oops I messed up" session, but that is about it.

If you are doing right by your clients and taking care of them, you have nothing to worry about but an occasional extra bit of paperwork.

I have personally had 3 violations where the carrier has called me, one involving the DOI. All the carrier violations were quickly taken care of after a simple phone call. The DOI was taken care of after a couple of correspondence letters. Nothing stuck, no repercussions.

If you want to know what they this (if not stop reading)
2 involved the coverage gap and that the plan had one.
1 (with the DOI) involved the individual being dropped from Medicaid and was upset his drug costs went up. I told them they would, but I was not sure by how much. The DOI tried to blame me, in which I told the DOI to ask Missouri Medicaid why they dropped him. They backed off after they realized I was not the reason he lost his Medicaid. I even gave the client a SS assistance application, and mailed a blank one to the DOI so they could understand it (they said they have never heard of this assistance). :twitchy:

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