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Jane Lead Suggestions.. No THREAD BASHERS PLEASE!

Come on. I honestly thought you were more witty than this from reading your posts in different threads. This is pathetic. I'm glad your skeptical just as much as I'm skeptical as to whether or not your really a monkey lol:skeptical:


It's not personal btw so like I told moonnightandmartinis just laugh:D

By golly, I guess I'm having an off day. Sorry to disappoint you.:confused:
Come on. I honestly thought you were more witty than this from reading your posts in different threads. This is pathetic. I'm glad your skeptical just as much as I'm skeptical as to whether or not your really a monkey lol:skeptical:


It's not personal btw so like I told moonnightandmartinis just laugh:D

you're .
Some people started a thread because these leads were great and someone else started a thread because they were having issues but for you to start a thread to help you decide says one thing, you are indecisive and you are indecisive because you are OVER-analytical. Your a businessman so being over-analytical to me is a great trait to have. It helps you not waste money, you avoid pitfalls, and you're more calculated and proficient. But you WILL MISS opportunities because of it. You have to learn that sometimes in business you just need to pull the trigger. Don't think just pull. The fact that so many agents have attested to the fact that they make money off these leads and you still haven't bought says that you are somewhat cynical. You don't make business decisions based on which has the most benefits. You make business decisions based off which has the least amount of flaws. The fact you haven bought yet means you have your doubts or concerns. Doubts or concerns which may be justifiable. That being said if I were you I would not buy these leads. Don't do any business when you have strong doubts or concerns. Your better off taking a loss. You will have a lot more peace of mind. But next time an opportunity comes up maybe try not to give it so much thought because you may have missed an opportunity to make a few more bucks then you already have now.

I respect this statement you made
I did well my first batch of 20 of Jane leads. Now I went to order more and see the price has went up! When did this occur?

Unexpectedly happened to me as well, because of the price hike I had to reduce my order, mainly because I calculated my order at the lower price.. but I guess with all the positive reviews on the forum.. a lot of agents must have purchased leads and to keep up with demand thad raised the price.. still well worth the buy.. just a few dollars difference (ohh and to answer your question, the price went up the beginning in April)
I did well my first batch of 20 of Jane leads. Now I went to order more and see the price has went up! When did this occur?

Unfortunately, Jane is now addicted to cocaine. She owes a fortune to her drug dealer and had to raise the price.

She's pretty ugly so this was her only option.

Unexpectedly happened to me as well, because of the price hike I had to reduce my order, mainly because I calculated my order at the lower price.. but I guess with all the positive reviews on the forum.. a lot of agents must have purchased leads and to keep up with demand thad raised the price.. still well worth the buy.. just a few dollars difference (ohh and to answer your question, the price went up the beginning in April)

Glad you finally gave them a try. Can you do me a favor and POST YOUR NUMBERS? :yes: