Lead Company Choice

Hi guys. Joined this forum to try to find some opinions on which online lead companies people are most satisfied with. Did some extensive searching and still haven't gotten a clear answer as to which ones have the highest quality leads and best return policies. Some of the threads were back from 2011...Feel free to share which companies you've had the best experience with. Thanks
The biggest problem I had with quote wizzard was for credits. Far too many took a second call to clear up. I would detail the reasoning for the credit in the comments section, which also had a character limit if I recall, and they would NEVER read it on the first try. I mean I sent info on one where I included the OBIT on the "lead" from 6 months prior and they missed it. Then I would call, ask the rep to READ the comments and I get "oh, yea, we'll credit that."

That just got old. Hire people that can read the first time through. I spend a lot of time verifiying if a lead is good or bad. If it's bad, I tell you why it's bad. The second phone calls/emails just became too much work, especially when, if they bothered to read the first time through, there wouldn't be a need for a second call.

Good leads, bad leads everybody's got them and will get them. It's how they handle the bad leads that everybody gets. If they make you work too hard to clear up bad leads are they worth doing business with?

That's my gripe, they were a hassle getting credits from. Too many second calls/emails... nice people but frustrating to deal with.
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We have found that Home Owners Leads Direct uses last years leads. Easy to get credits but we are not having luck getting anything out of it. We purchased a bulk amount and are just riding them out and no more.
im pretty sure you have to contribute to the forum before offering any products
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and there is no such thing as exclusive leads....you can't promise that you're the first website that these consumers visit, and there's no promise that they won't go elsewhere. consumers that come to the internet are price shoppers. plain and simple. they are looking for the best product at the best price. i only buy leads that allow me to offer my best product, so as long as my leads arent sold to 5 different agents it really is irrelevant.
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i've been in the industry long enough to understand that what you're offering has been claimed or tried in the past to no avail. there's nothing that you can do to change the market and the amount of traffic that your websites may generate does not necessarily equate to applications for INSURANCE to be filled out. i understand that you are attempting to use cross-advertising between your own websites to generate quality traffic. which means that you can use the information that you already have acquired for OTHER PURPOSES and turn them into insurance leads. I assure you that no agent is going to be satisfied with leads of consumers that have not naturally inquired in an insurance policy.

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