• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

"Leads Call You" System

I recently attended a teleseminar hosted by a gentleman named Dean Cipriano. He claimed that if using his marketing and advertising techniques you could guarantee leads would call you. Anyone heard of him or used his product?
I recently attended a teleseminar hosted by a gentleman named Dean Cipriano. He claimed that if using his marketing and advertising techniques you could guarantee leads would call you. Anyone heard of him or used his product?

How much is it going to cost me?
Basic package is $1,097, deluxe is $1,497. It's a kit that contains different pieces on how to market for life insurance, LTC, estate planning and financial planning. Just received an email the other day with a 30 day free trial. Just wondering if anyone tried it and had any success with it.
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What's Dean up to these days?

Best way to find out is to "Search" this Forum using the "Search" feature.

That was a good tip thanks! I'm still new to the forum. I found a couple of people who thought it worked, more that didn't.
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I have a couple of free selling systems that work...

Like my Free Living Will System.

I might start charging for some of my systems. If I charged 20 bucks per system per agent I could quit my job soon.

Hmm.. There is enough new agents out there getting their ins lic every month to sell it to 1000 agents a month at least. Hmmm Now I'm thinking...

I will sell you 3 of my selling systems (that were free before today) for $20 ...but wait, if you act right now, I will through in a copy of my cd on prospecting and even 10 free videos....
