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Life Insurance Tax Advantages Repealed if Trump Wins

Pretty sure our professional associations and large carriers would be all over this. They have been educating Congress for 100 years about the importance of life insurance and not to tax it period.
If The Trump gets elected, you guys better start contributing to a PAC and get involved. We will ultimately win, but it will be a fight that will take all of us.
He wants to enact capitol gains tax on the CV increase. Which will never happen since it would take an act of congress to do this, & the people funding the congressional campaigns are the ones who utilize WL & UL the most.

Hey look at that. One of you knows how the US government works.
because executive actions aren't happening everyday...you still think this place is run by We the People? That's cute...

We need to severely limit the increasingly common act of "Executive Action". It is the single biggest threat to this democracy imo. The President is there to follow the law, not create it. But I think that there are still some lines that will not be crossed... for now.
He wants to enact capitol gains tax on the CV increase. Which will never happen since it would take an act of congress to do this, & the people funding the congressional campaigns are the ones who utilize WL & UL the most.

I agree completely. Not to mention that plenty of sitting politicians utilize it as well, and as self serving as they are ... well you know.

Will it ever change, probably at some point and in some fashion. But imo it won't be in the near future, as congress has WAY more important things to worry about.

I honestly don't put alot of stock in what anyone says they will do while campaigning. Most politicians end up doing little to none of what they were elected on. I do like what Trump is saying overall, and I love his cavalier attitude. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out.

Its also interesting that the 3 republican front runners now are true outsiders. Shows how much the people hate whats been going on for so long. Total corruption. I don't know if Trump would make the best president, but he wouldn't be bought, would certainly make some changes, and it can't be worse than we have now.


We need to severely limit the increasingly common act of "Executive Action". It is the single biggest threat to this democracy imo. The President is there to follow the law, not create it. But I think that there are still some lines that will not be crossed... for now.

I agree. Its out of control.
I think Trump is an ***. But he's an *** that knows how to negotiate to get things done regardless of whether someone is republican or democrat.

I doubt he can affect the taxation of life insurance just as much as I doubt he can deport 11 million illegals. I don't doubt that he can get a wall built and get Mexico to pay for it though.

There's a lot of 'showmanship' in his campaign. But I wish he'd quit whining about how he thinks Fox News is treating him and focus on his skills and abilities - putting together great teams and getting things done.
If Trump plan were to pass, I would loose business because the tax shelter of life insurance is gone. However, all my W2 employees making over 100k a year would realize their overall taxes would be lower if they are self employed and I would be making so much money more advising them for life disability and investments once they are self employed. No hospital will keep any surgeons on W2 status, they will all become self employed to qualify for a lower tax rate.
"Its also interesting that the 3 republican front runners now are true outsiders."

Just to one side of the thing. You folks need to remember so far, the two most likely to be president are from the other party.

The rush away from established politicians is really the party's own doing. The GOP is consuming itself. That is why you had 17 people running. There's no unity or direction that can be shown.
"Its also interesting that the 3 republican front runners now are true outsiders."

Just to one side of the thing. You folks need to remember so far, the two most likely to be president are from the other party.

The rush away from established politicians is really the party's own doing. The GOP is consuming itself. That is why you had 17 people running. There's no unity or direction that can be shown.

Agree 100% the GOP is fragmented. I fall into the fold that had discovered the party's original Libertarian roots before the party was consumed by Big Business and Big Government. That fold will not simply vote for party anymore, we are looking for individuals that understand Monetary policy and Foreign policy, not the puppets the Oligarchs keep putting out in front of us.